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Рассказ о праздниках в Великобритании на английском языке

Авторский рассказ о праздниках в Великобритании на английском языке

Автор работы: Павлова Инна, ученица 7 Б класса МОУ “Школа №62 города Донецка”.
Руководитель: Долгих Марина Cергеевна, учитель английского языка МОУ “Школа №62 города Донецка”.
Описание работы: данный материал предназначен для учеников 6 класса. Авторский рассказ о праздниках, традициях и обычаях в Великобритании можно использовать во время проведения контроля навыков аудирования по теме “Рождество и Новый год в Великобритании”. После прослушивания рассказа ученики выполняют задания для проверки понимания текста на слух. Развитие навыков аудирования является одной из основных задач на уроках английского языка. Материал будет полезен учителям английского языка, а также родителям воспитанников.
Цель: развитие навыков аудирования.
- активизировать словарь,
- развивать навыки аудирования, логическое мышление, языковую догадку, память, внимание, интерес к изучению традиций и обычаев Великобритании,
- воспитывать любовь к культуре англоязычных стран.
In Britain Christmas is one of the most popular holidays. Children decorate their Christmas tree with Christmas balls, angels and lights. They leave big red stockings by their beds or near the fire-place for presents. Santa Claus comes at night and leaves presents in the stockings. Children like to open presents and sing carols.
Come and see our Christmas tree!
We brought it home today.
We set it in the living room
And trimmed it right away.

It’s Christmas!
It’s time for hanging stockings,
It’s time for riding sleighs,
It’s time for jolly greetings!

Christmas is coming!
Sing hey! Sing hey!
Children like this happy day
And all grown-ups remember.

Christmas is coming,
Santa Claus is riding.
Come to our house!
We are waiting for this guest.

It’s time for presents!
It’s time for hanging stockings,
It’s time for riding sleighs,
It’s time for jolly greetings!

May your holiday season
Be merrier and happier
And the new year brighter
Than ever before!

A Merry Christmas for me,
A Merry Christmas for you,
A Merry Christmas for everyone,
That’s what I wish – I do!”

Buying presents, cooking a turkey and decorating a wonderful Christmas tree are done on the Christmas Eve. Going to church, opening presents, singing carols, having Christmas dinner are the things that are done on Christmas Day. Boxing Day is the day after Christmas. On this day neighbours, friends come to greet with boxes of presents they have prepared. All shops are closed on Christmas Day.
The New Year is popular in Britain too. On the New Year’s night people come to the Clock Tower to meet the New Year. Children like to sing songs about holidays.

Santa Claus! Santa Claus!
Come to our house,
The New Year is near,
Come quickly here.

Merrily, merrily, merrily
Round the New Year tree.
Merrily, merrily, merrily
We are dancing
And you’ll join us!

Children’s eyes are bright
With wonder and delight
For tiny stars of snow are falling
From the sky tonight.

New Year’s Day will soon be here
And we can hardly wait,
Soon Santa Clause will be coming,
A lot of presents he will give us!

Each time, the old closes
And we start a year that’s new.
We think of those, we care about
And Jesus thinks of you.

We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!
Good friends – good time,
Good health – good cheer
And happy days
Throughout the year.

The First Foot is a funny New Year tradition. This is the first visitor to enter a British house in New Year’s morning. The First Foot must be a man. A woman is believed to bring bad luck. The First Foot usually brings some food, coal and drink. Coal helps to make a fire in winter and there will never be lack of food and drink during the coming year.
In my country Christmas and the New Year are popular holidays too. We send greeting cards to all our relatives and friends. Children usually make their cards at school. On Christmas Eve parents put different presents under the Christmas tree. We like to celebrate these holidays and spend our time together.

Задание 1.
Прослушайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-7 соответствуют содержанию текста (T-True), какие не соответстуют (F –False).
1. The First Foot must be a woman.
2. The First Foot is the first visitor to enter a British house in New Year’s evening
3. He often brings some food, coal and drink.
4. It means that there will be lack of food and drink during the coming year.
5. Children usually wait for Santa Claus and leave big red stockings for presents.
6. Children believe that Santa Claus comes at night.
7. Shops are not closed on Christmas Day.
Key: 1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. F, 5. T, 6. T, 7. F.

Задание 2.
Прослушайте текст ещё раз. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. How do children usually celebrate Christmas in Britain?
2. What songs do they like to sing?
3. What does Boxing Day mean?
4. Why does the First Foot bring some food, coal and drink in New Year’s morning?
5. How do you celebtate these holidays in your country?

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Опубликовано: 1593 дня назад (2 января 2020)
Просмотров: 1565
Рубрика: Без рубрики
Голосов: 2
Ольга Ивановна Кабанова # 2 января 2020 в 23:58 0
Добрый вечер, Марина Сергеевна и Инна!
Вы представили прекрасный новогодний рассказ и рассказ про рождество с интересными иллюстрациями, качественным оформлением.
Рассказы соответствуют возрасту детей, познавательны и увлекательны.
Примите голос +1! Успеха.
Ольга Васильевна Яковлева # 3 января 2020 в 12:17 +1
Марина Сергеевна и Инна, здравствуйте! Прекрасный рассказ Вы опубликовали! Творческих успехов и вдохновения! голос