Сочинение по английскому языку на тему: «Письмо Санта Клаусу»
Автор: Потовиченко Денис, 13 лет, 7 класс общеобразовательной школы №8, г. Торез, ДНР.
Руководитель: Дынник Оксана Алексеевна, учитель английского языка, общеобразовательная школа І - ІІІ ступеней №8 имени Д. А. Рыбалко, г. Торез, ДНР.
Описание работы: данный материал будет полезен не только учителям английского языка, но и ученикам, а также их родителям как пример оформления писем на английском языке. Это мысли и пожелания ребенка, столкнувшегося с жизнью лицом к лицу.
A Letter to Santa Claus
Denis Potovichenko
27 Vatutin’s St
Tores, DPR
Santa Claus Main Post Office
FL-96930 Arctic Circle
Lapland, Finland (оформляется справа)
December 7, 2016
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Denis and I am 13 years old. I have been a good boy this year. I have only good marks on the different subjects. I have taken a part in the Olympiads on English and Chemistry. I think I will get the excellent marks. I think I am a good helper because I try to help my parents and grandparents about the house and in the garden.
For example, I have dug up my grandma’s garden. I wash the dishes every day and help my father to fix the car. I have a lot of things to do during all day. For example, I go to the swimming-pool after classes. I want to become an excellent swimmer in the future.
I know you are very busy, but I want to ask you not to give me the presents. I wish only the peace reigned on my land and the children did not hear the mine explosions.
I know you can not raise the dead people, but I ask you to give a good health to all people who need it.
Let all the families in the world have love and understanding. Do not give me presents, but give them to all orphans.
I want to thank you beforehand and I wish you always were in a good mood with a good health.
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