Красивые поздравления с Пасхой на английском

Пасхальные поздравления в стихах на английском

Составитель: Белых Татьяна Павловна, учитель английского языка, МБОУ «Кармалинская средняя общеобразовательная школа» Нижнекамского района РТ.

Поздравления с Пасхой на английском языке.

* * *

This Easter Day’s so brightly colored

And that’s a light of holly God.

All people celebrate it in the planet

This holiday unite the crowd.

Today all people pray for neighbor

To ask the God to bring the peace.

And all offences are forgotten

And every minute moods increase!

* * *

Warm wind bless everyone today,

He sings about coming spring.

Light is so specially pretty all the day

Cos every country gladness brings.

You feel awakening of the weather

And smell the fragrance of ester.

Let’s celebrate this day together

And wish each other “Happy Ester”!

* * *

Lord’s grace let come into your house

With Ester cake and Easter eggs.

We’ll give you pleasant gifts of ours,

Light candles, bring beautiful bouquets.

We hear “Happy Easter!” everywhere,

And say this words together too.

So every orphan has a cloth to wear

And sky above us every day be blue.

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