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Конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку с презентацией, 7-9 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие "Прелесть английских деревень" для 7-9 классов
(презентация для учащихся 7-9 классов)
- расширить общий кругозор обучающихся;
- развитие познавательного интереса к Англии;
- ознакомление учащихся с образом жизни английских сельчан, проявлением любви и уважения к свои традициям.
- помочь формировать самостоятельную познавательную активность;
- развивать эстетический вкус;
- развивать интерес к изучению иностранного языка;
- повышать уровень мотивированности на уроках с помощью образовательных инструментов.
How to keep students' interest in a foreign language throughout their study? This question has been widely discussed in the methodological literature of recent years. Introduction of geographical elements on lessons plays a major role in keeping the motivation to learn a foreign language . A foreign culture is something that can bring students to understanding of a foreign culture and its aspects. The most important motivational incentive to learn a foreign language for students is the desire to expand their general outlook, the desire to get acquainted with the life of the country, its geography, history, a way of life. To develop the students' motivation, interest in learning a foreign language, I try to bring interesting additional cross-cultural materials, which make lessons more vivid and become compulsory.
The state standard of defining the level of knowing a foreign language points out that formation of the communicative competence is linked with social and cultural knowledge. Without knowing social and cultural aspects of the country it is impossible to form a communicative competence. High school graduates should understand the importance of knowing foreign languages in the modern world, peculiarities of another country`s lifestyle, its culture and traditions(well-known sights, prominent people and their contribution to the world`s culture), similarities and differences between traditions of a native and a foreign country.
Exciting English Villages
England is famous for its beautiful villages which are deservedly considered to be a bastion of traditional England, their residents lead a slow life “based on family and church ideals”… At least local residents claim it.
Agatha Christie described them in her detective stories rather colorfully-in every village there is a church, a pub, a confectionery, a couple of comfortable cafes, where old Englishmen like to come to have breakfast and discuss the news.
English villages are wonderful and very similar. It is because of the common style of construction lasted for many centuries. At the same time the village residents also decorate their place of living turning it into a little fairy tale.
The English like to look after their gardens and parks. Even cities are full of plants. Villages are a real leaflet in landscape design.
There are many plants in yards and practically no fences.
A typical English village has as a rule a long central street with tens of houses made from local stone. Many short streets take the beginning from the main street.
The color palette of the English village consists of yellow and grey with no vivid colors. There are no motley buildings, neon shop-windows. As soon as the sun hides behind clouds everything around seems a little gloomy. The sun gives a village a vague charm.
A usual English house has a tiled roof with lots of skews, steep slopes and a chimney. Walls are usually covered with clambering plants.
A usual English house has a tiled roof with lots of skews, steep slopes and a chimney. Walls are usually covered with clambering plants.
English women adore to look after flowers- their gardens, flowerbeds and lawns are very beautiful and neatly trimmed.
In spring everything is in bloom, spring starts in February.
In summer wisteria starts to bloom covering houses, balconies, walls, trees. It is absolutely astonishing!
In 1870s Louis van Houtte brought wisteria to England. It was a real furor among gardeners thanks to its exuberant blooming and blossoms.
The Englishmen usually don`t grow fruit and vegetables but willingly do the gardening.
Houses are covered with roses and honeysuckle.
The borders of the estate are fenced with low masonry or a hedge which can conceal little but has an excellent esthetic view on it.
In Gloucestershire there is the oldest village Bibury which is considered to be the most beautiful village in the country in the Middle Ages.
The old stone buildings of 1380 which used to be monastic wool shops and in the 17 century were reformed into weaving houses of the factory Arlington are still preserved.
In villages there are lots of ponds, a variety of plants and unique birds. The most famous English river Thames goes through many villages of the country.
These are not estates – these are the houses so common for provincial England. Ordinary people live in them. A live culture of many generations…
A real English hinterland…
Practically in all the villages there is a primary school and even a secondary one. Older students usually go the nearest town or city or another village.
The tradition of thatched roofs takes its beginning in the Middle Ages.
In old times thatched roofs used to be more usual. Even the famous London theatre “The Globe” where Shakespeare`s plays took place in the 17th century was covered with straw.
This is something like a kind of art which survived despite the appearance of other types of roofing.
There are whole dynasties of thatchers. The surname Thatcher originally means the profession of a thatcher.
The skill is conveyed from father to son.
Water reed and wheat straw is used to make an ecologically clean roof.
Traditionally a new stratum of straw is put on an old one and this led to accumulating thick layers on ancient buildings.
More than 250 roofs in England have basic lower straw stratums put more than 500 years ago. This gives an opportunity to get to know what materials were used in the Middle Ages.
In spring the festival of gardeners where you can admire the beauty and vividness of a great amount of spring flowers is held. Also you can take ideas for your landscapes – stunning sculptures for gardens, fountains, flowerbeds, whimsical plants – the pictures from this event will adorn any journal about gardening.
In English villages you can find what is difficult to describe with words, namely placidity, serenity, home coziness, a kind relation of local residents and stunning esthetic impressions.
Visitors come here from all over the world to see unusual English villages.
“I am grateful to you for being so beautiful! In my imagination I can see winding white paths, planted with blooming hedges, green meadows with tall elms, fascinating outlines of hills and woods, swampy valleys sad grey sea open spaces.” –Somerset Maugham admired. These words could characterize many countries but Maugham said them about England.
Презентация на тему: Английская деревня

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