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Урок английского языка в 7 классе с презентацией "Познание мира"

Конспект урока английского языка, 7 класс. Тема урока: A letter from the teacher
Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе художественного текста с совершенствованием навыков аудирования с применением нового лексического материала по теме.
- развивать умения учащихся воспринимать иноязычный текст как источник информации;
- развивать умения и навыки устной речи на основе услышанного текста;
- развивать языковую догадку при переводе некоторых незнакомых слов;
- составлять и вести короткие диалоги, употребляя изученные по теме лексические единицы;
- воспитывать чувство юмора;
- поддерживать интерес к изучению ИЯ средствами предмета.
- развивать навыки чтения и понимания небольшого текста по теме.
- воспитывать внимание, активность, интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
- Развитие навыков аудирования, навыков говорения, памяти, логического мышления.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, аудиозапись с текстом, карточки с заданиями для учащихся, картинки с достопримечательностями Лондона.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
- приветствие учащихся с учителем
Good morning students! Glad to see you today on the lesson! How are doing? Are you feeling OK? What is the weather like today? It is great, isn`t it?
-вопрос учителя о том, как учащиеся познают мир (слайд 1)
How do you usually learn new things? Do you do it alone or is it more interesting for you to do it with someone you know?
There are many different ways of learning the world. For example,…
Учащиеся коротко рассказывают, какие есть способы познания мира.
Например, чтение книг, просмотр телевизионных передач, общение с интересными людьми, путешествие.
- рассказ учителя о различных способах познания мира
One of the greatest methods of learning the new world is … (slide 2) yes, you are right! It is travelling!
Well, let`s take a look at those pictures taken by me while visiting Great Britain. Can you recognize these places?
- Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament
- Double decker
- London Eye
- Westminster Abbey
- Buckingham Palace
- St.Paul`s Cathedral
- Telephone box
- Tower bridge
- The Museum of Sherlock Holmes

2. Warming-up (слайд 3)
- рассадка по парам с применением видов Лондона.
Учитель заранее разделил на половинки виды достопримечательностей, которые можно увидеть на слайде 3. Учащиеся подходят и берут одну половинку картинки, по которой они должны найти свою пару. После этого учащиеся садятся за свои места со своей парой по рисунку.
- ответы учащихся, какая достопримечательность им досталась
Учащиеся вместе готовят устно краткий рассказ о той достопримечательности, которая досталась им и рассказывают пару предложений о ней.
For example, Big Ben is one of the most popular places of interest in London and symbols of England. Every year many people visit the capital of Great Britain to see it and take some photos with it in the background. Big Ben is the huge bell inside the building. Its weight is about thirteen tons and it rings every hour daily.
- рассказ учителя про дом-музей Шерлока Холмса (слайд 4)
Look please at the photo which I took in London. It was the most amazing time I have ever had. I have visited lots of places in London and this one is maybe the most memorable. The number of the house is 221B. It is located not far from Madam Tussaud`s – the museum of wax works. It is interesting that this museum is devoted to Sherlock Holmes, who never existed in reality, the most famous character of Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective story about Sherlock Holmes.

3.Аудирование “A Letter from the Teacher” (слайд 5)
a) прослушивание диалога с одновременным слежением по тексту(при желании). Учащиеся слушают первую часть диалога «Письмо от учителя». При желании могут следить по тексту. Листочки с текстом диалога предварительно должны быть розданы учащимся.
A Letter from the Teacher
Missis Hudson brings a letter into Holmes`s room.
- Mr. Holmes, a letter for you!
Holmes takes a letter and starts reading. For a few minutes
he keeps silence thinking about something.
- Who did you get a letter from, Mr. Holmes? – asks his
friend Watson.
The famous detective mumbles something anxiously.
- I couldn`t understand anything! – says Watson.
- This is a letter from my lovely teacher, Mr. Watson! – answers Holmes.
- Tell me about her, please! – asks Watson.
- Oh! This is an incredible woman, Mr. Watson! She is full of life,
she can ride a horse, shoots wonderfully, she is extremely energetic
and has an immense desire to solve different detective stories.
Thanks to her I became a great detective. She is still my reliable and loyal friend. She was my teacher of Chemistry. I had been learning Chemistry in her class since my family moved to London. She is still interested in my life and work. We had been communicating even after I left the school. And she helped me to solve my first case!
- Tell me about your first case, please! – Doctor Watson whispered excitedly.
- Well, my first case – started Holmes solemnly – was….
Б) слайд 6
Учащиеся делают предположения по поводу того, каким было первое расследование Шерлока Холмса.
For example,
I am sure that the first case of Sherlock Holmes was The Scandal of Bohemia.
С) дальнейшее прослушивание текста (слайд 7)
- Well, my first case – started Holmes solemnly – was….
….. the Hound of the Baskervilles. It was in the County Devonshire. Lord Baskerville had been experiencing problems since he came back to England from the USA. The problem was a large dog! With the help of my favorite teacher Missis Smith I could find a real criminal. After that lord Baskerville married and lived happily.
- Oh I want to be like you! – shouted Watson.
- Elementary, my dear Watson! You should only have such a teacher - kind, clever, careful, energetic and curious.- replied Holmes.
В) ответы на вопросы в парах.
1. What did Sherlock Holmes get?
2. Why did he keep silence?
3. Can his teacher ride a horse?
4. What subject did she teach?
5. What does his teacher like to do?
6. Are they still friends?
7. Who helped Holmes to solve his first case?
8. What was his first case?

4. Физкультминутка. Let`s take a relax!
-повторение действий персонажей за учителем. (слайды 9-23)

5. Знакомство с новой лексикой. Speaking verbs (слайд 24)
- заполнение пробелов в словах на листочках.
Работа проходит в трех подгруппах. Учащиеся должны вписать недостающие буквы в «говорящих глаголах».
Speaking verbs
s…y m … … … … r sh … … t
wh … … … … r a…k c…y
scr … … m t … … l mu… … …e
s… … … k ans … … … rep…y
- заполнение пробелов на доске – по одному учащемуся из каждой группы
- проверка (слайд 25)
say murmur shout
whisper ask cry
scream tell mumble
speak answer rep

6. Активизации лексики. Работа с текстом. Слайд 26
- нахождение говорящих глаголов в тексте в группах.
Учащиеся должны найти в своем отрезке диалога «говорящие глаголы»
Группа 1
Missis Hudson brings a letter into Holmes`s room.
- Mr. Holmes, a letter for you!
Holmes takes a letter and starts reading. For a few minutes
he keeps silence thinking about something.
- Who did you get a letter from, Mr. Holmes? – asks his
friend Watson.
The famous detective mumbles something anxiously.
- I couldn`t understand anything! – says Watson.
- This is a letter from my lovely teacher, Mr. Watson! – answers Holmes.
- Tell me about her, please! – asks Watson.
Answers: Asks, Mumbles, Says, Answers, Tell, asks
Группа 2
- Oh! This is an incredible woman, Mr. Watson! She is full of life,
she can ride a horse, shoots wonderfully, she is extremely energetic
and has an immense desire to solve different detective stories.
Thanks to her I became a great detective. She is still my reliable and loyal friend. She was my teacher of Chemistry. I had been learning Chemistry in her class since my family moved to London. She is still interested in my life and work. We had been communicating even after I left the school. And she helped me to solve my first case!
- Tell me about your first case, please! – Doctor Watson whispered excitedly.
- Well, my first case – started Holmes solemnly – was….
Answers: Speaks, tell, whispered.
Группа 3
….. the hound of the Baskervilles. It was in the County Devonshire. Lord Baskerville had been experiencing problems since he came back to England from the USA. The problem was a large dog! With the help of my favorite teacher Missis Smith I could find a real criminal. After that lord Baskerville married and lived happily.
- Oh I want to be like you! – shouted Watson.
- Elementary, my dear Watson! You should only have such a teacher - kind, clever, careful, energetic and curious.- replied Holmes.
Answers: shouted, replied.
- проверка (слайд 27)
Один учащийся из каждой группы называет «говорящие глаголы»»; по слайду 27 сравниваем ответы.

7. Рефлексия (слайд 28)
-расспрос друг друга по данным вопросам
Учащиеся работаю в парах, задают друг другу нижеследующие вопросы и заносят ответы в таблицу.
Did you like Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson?
Do you think Doctor Watson is a good friend?
Would you like to read or watch the film about Sherlock Holmes?
Would you like to tell your friends about the book?
Was it easy to find speaking verbs in the dialogue?
What speaking verbs did you remember?
-рассказ от 3-го лица – ответы на вопросы.
Учащиеся рассказывают про своего партнера, отвечая на 1-2 вопроса.
For example,
My friend`s name is …. She liked Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. She thinks that Dr. Watson is a good friend. She wants to watch the film The Hound of the Baskervilles. She would like to tell her best friend about this book.

8. Заключение (слайд 29)
Прощание с персонажами произведения и участниками урока.
Зачитываем вместе стихотворение.

9. Домашнее задание. The hound of the Baskervilles
By Arthur Conan Doyle
The moon was shining and the fog was getting thick. Holmes watched the fog and began to look worried. The fog was creeping up from the marsh to the house. We were hiding near the road.
“The fog is getting thicker and it can ruin my plans”-said Holmes. “If Sir Henry doesn`t come out in 15 minutes, the road will be covered by the fog. In half an hour we won`t be able to see our hands in front of our faces.”
We made a few steps to the house. “We mustn`t go very far.”
Holmes put his ear to the ground. “Thank God. I can hear him coming.”
Then we heard quick footsteps on the path. After a few moments Sir Henry appeared out of the fog. He passed us quickly in the darkness.
“Listen!”- shouted Holmes. “Look out! It`s coming!”
I heard him prepare his revolver and did the same. We could hear strange sounds of quick footsteps and tried to look into the darkness. Holmes was looking at the path. He was pale but his eyes were bright. He looked like a man who was going to win the most important game of his life. Suddenly he cried in frightened surprise and took his revolver.
I saw a hound – an enormous black hound. I had never seen such a dog! Fire came from its open mouth. Its eyes were burning. It was running after Sir Henry quickly and silently. He looked back at the dog. His face was white. He raised his eyes. He looked helplessly at this terrible animal. Our friend was in danger but we were frozen with fear and couldn`t move.
Understanding the story
Answer the questions
1. Why is Holmes worried about the fog?
2. Where are Holmes and Watson hiding when they wait for Sir Henry?
3. How do Holmes and Watson react when they see the hound?
4. Do you think the hound is a real dog or an evil spirit?
5. Why do they not shoot the dog?
6. How does Sir Henry feel when he saw the dog?
1. A thick cloud that makes seeing difficult
2. A hunting dog
3. Soft, wet, low land
4. A narrow road
5. A small quick-firing gun
6. Having less color than usual
7. Moving quietly and carefully
Talking about the text* ( для желающих, одаренных учащихся)
1. What do you think happens next?
2. Sherlock Holmes is very famous. What other detectives from books or TV do you know?
Презентация на тему: A letter from the teacher

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