Английский кроссворд с ответами о животном мире с презентацией, 6-7 класс
Английский кроссворд о животном мире с презентацией
Автор работы: Коваленко Екатерина, ученица 6 Б класса МОУ “Школа №62 города Донецка.” Руководитель: Долгих Марина Cергеевна, учитель английского языка МОУ “Школа №62 города Донецка.” Описание работы: данный материал предназначен для учеников 6-7 классов. Современные педагогические технологии обучения помогают обеспечивать усвоение обучающимися учебной программы. Использование презентаций также помогает сделать процесс обучения иностранному языку интересным и продуктивным. Данный кроссворд о животном мире с презентацией можно использовать во время проведения игры “Поле чудес”, викторины в рамках творческого проекта для предметной недели английского языка. Задания можно использовать для развития навыков чтения по теме “Природа. Животный мир.” Материал будет полезен учителям английского языка, а также родителям воспитанников. Цель: развитие навыков чтения по теме “Животный мир.” Задачи:
- активизировать словарь и развивать навыки чтения,
- развивать логическое мышление, языковую догадку, память, внимание, интерес к изучению английского языка,
- воспитывать любовь и бережное отношение к животному миру. Оборудование: компьютер.
Задания для кроссворда
1. They look like fish but they are mammals. They haven’t got any teeth. There are gills in the mouth. They discharge water back into the sea through these gills but small plants and animals are detained with the gills. They are the biggest water animals.
2. It has five arms. It swims and walks with its arms. It is interesting to know that it has an eye at the end of its arm. It has five arms and five eyes. It likes to eat oysters and other molluscs.
3. It spends almost all its life in the water. It leaves water only to warm itself in the sun, to rest and sleep. This animal lives in the cold countries, but it has no hair. It is protected against cold with a thick layer of fat under its skin. This animal swims fast and dives for fish.
4. This bird has a strong bill. It finds bugs which live under the bark of the trees. It is a helper of the forest. It eats a lot of insects which are destructive to different plants.
5. They have to travel for great distances to find their food. They usually migrate in small groups around the tundra. In summer they keep nearer to the shores of the Arctic Ocean. In autumn they migrate to the south where there is more food for them. Their body is covered with thick hair. The hair protects them against cold. They eat moss because it contains a chemical that stops their body from freezing.
6. They spin webs. They have got eight legs and crawl on the webs. They usually catch flies in their webs.
7. In the Middle Ages the Tower of London was a royal residence and a strong fortress. It was also a state prison. Some birds had much food near the walls of the Tower. Nowadays the Tower of London is a museum. The birds still live in the gardens of the Tower. There is a man who is in charge of them and gives them meat every day. What bird is it?
8. It lives at the sea bottom near the shore. It has a hard shell. It is grey or brown. When it is boiled it becomes bright red in colour. From time to time they have to change their shell. Every year they grow larger and larger. Their shell becomes too small for them. That’s why they have to cast their shell off. Then they usually lie under a stone till their new shell grows.
9. These birds have long legs and long beaks. They can wade in different boggy places. They eat frogs, fish, lizards, mice and other small animals. People want these birds to build their nests near the houses. They believe that they bring happiness to their family.
10. Its body is like jelly. It lives in the water. It is round and looks like an umbrella.
11.They live in all parts of the Earth. A lot of these insects live in different tropical countries.
They eat flies, mosquitoes and other insects. In autumn they lay eggs into water or on water plants.
Презентация на тему: Английский кроссворд о животном мире
Марина Сергеевна, здравствуйте! Кроссворд о животном мире очень интересный! Мне нравится, потому что выполняет так много задач: развивает интерес к английскому языку, тренирует речь учащихся, воспитывает правильное, бережное отношение к окружающей нас природе. Яркая презентация мотивирует участие детей, развивает внимание и догадку. С удовольствием голосую! Успехов!
Здравствуйте! Достаточно неплохая презентация материала, красочные картинки и хорошее описание. Очень понравились анимированные картинки на слайде! Так и вызывают интерес и привлекают внимание!