Автор: Чертопрудова Наталья Владимировна, учитель английского языка МБОУ Северная СОШ №2
Предлагаю материал для проведения проверочной работы по английскому языку в 6 классе для учителей, работающих по УМК "Английский язык" авторов Ю.А.Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, К.Макбет. Проверочная работа позволит проконтролировать усвоение лексического и грамматического материала, изученного в главе 2 "Моя семья".
Рекомендуемое время выполнения 45 минут. Представлены 2 варианта. Лексический материал: названия членов семьи, описание внешности. Грамматический материал: глагол have got в утвердительных, вопросительных, отрицательных предложениях и кратких ответах; притяжательный падеж; порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях.
Form 6. Unit 2. Test A.
Name ...............................................................
1. Complete the sentences with family words
1.Your father's brother is your .....................................
2. Your aunt and your uncle's children are your ..............................
3. Your sister's husband is your ............................................
4. Have you got any brothers or .............................?
5. Your ............ is your mother's father.
2. Look at the information. Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of have got
1. Ann and Carl ....................... two brothers.
2. Ann ................. one sister.
3. Bob .................. a brother.
4. Bob and Carl ......................... sisters.
5. Bob and Carl ......................... cousins.
6. Ann ....................... a cousin.
3. Write questions. Write short answers.
1. Ann / brown hair? .........................................................................................
Yes, ...................................
2. Bob and Carl / sunglasses?................................................................................
No, .......................................
3. Carl / green eyes? ................................................................................................
No, ...........................................
4. Ann and Bob / long hair? .....................................................................................
Yes, ..........................................
5. Carl / fair hair?.........................................................................................................
Yes, ............................................
4. Order the words to make questions.
1. cousins / How / have / many / got / you?................................................................................................
2. got / you/ many / How / grandparents / have?.........................................................................................
3. many/ your/ classroom / desks / How / has / got?....................................................................................
4. How / students / class / your / got / many / has?......................................................................................
5. Circle the correct words.
1. My ......... name is David.
a) brothers b) brother's c) brothers'
2. Philip .... short hair and glasses.
a) is got b) is c) 's got
3. .... my cousin.
a) He's b) He c) Hes'
4. Mia ........ from France, she's from Germany.
a) hasn't b) isn't c) aren't
Form 6. Unit 2. Test B.
Name ...............................................................
1. Complete the sentences with family words
1. Your .................. is your mother's mother.
2. Your father's sister is your ............................
3. Your uncle's daughter is your ..................
4. Your mother and your father are your .................
5. Have you got any brothers or .............................?
2. Look at the information. Complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of have got
1. Will and Betty .........................two sisters.
2. Pat ........................... a sister.
3. Betty and Pat ..........................brothers.
4. Will ........................ a brother.
5. Will and Pat .................... two cousins.
6. Betty ........................ four cousins.
3. Write questions. Write short answers.
1. Betty / brown hair? .........................................................................................
Yes, ...................................
2. Will and Pat / sunglasses?................................................................................
No, .......................................
3. Betty / green eyes? ................................................................................................
No, ...........................................
4. Will and Pat / long hair? .....................................................................................
Yes, ..........................................
5. Betty/ fair hair?.......................................................................................................
No, ............................................
4. Order the words to make questions.
1. uncles / How / have / many / got / you?................................................................................................
2. got / you/ many / How / aunts / have?.........................................................................................
3. many/ your/ classroom / desks / How / has / got?....................................................................................
4. How / students / class / your / got / many / has?......................................................................................
5. Circle the correct words.
1. My ......... name is Betty.
a) sisters b) sister's c) sisters'
2. David .... dark hair and glasses.
a) 's got b) is c) 've got
3. .... my cousin.
a) She's b) She c) Shes'
4. Will ........ from France, he's from the USA.
a) isn't b) hasn't c) aren't
Результаты работы оцениваются, как обычно, по пятибалльной шкале.
Test А.
1. uncle
2. cousins
3. brother-in-law
4. sisters
5. grandfather
1. have got
2. has got
3. hasn't got
4. haven't got
5. have got
6. hasn't got
1. Has Ann got brown hair? - Yes, she has.
2. Have Bob and Carl got sunglasses? - No, they haven't.
3. Has Carl got green eyes? - No, he hasn't.
4. Have Ann and Bob got long hair? - Yes, they have.
5. Has Carl got fair hair? - Yes, he has.
1. How many cousins have you got?
2. How many grandparents have you got?
3. How many desks has your classroom got?
4. How many students has your class got?
1. b) brother's
2. c) 's got
3. a) He's
4. b) isn't
Test B.
1. grandmother
2. aunt
3. cousin
4. parents
5. sisters
1. have got
2. hasn't got
3. have got
4. hasn't got
5. have got
6. has got
1. Has Betty got brown hair? - Yes, she has.
2. Have Will and Pat got sunglasses? - No, they haven't.
3. Has Betty got green eyes? - No, she hasn't.
4. Have Will and Pat got long hair? - Yes, they have.
5. Has Betty got fair hair? - No, she hasn't.
1. How many uncles have you got?
2. How many aunts have you got?
3. How many desks has your classroom got?
4. How many students has your class got?
1. b) sister's
2. a) 's got
3. a) She's
4. a) isn't
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