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Конкурс для педагогов «Лучший конспект урока (занятия)»


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Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе «Читать или не читать»

Конспект урока английского языка, УМК «Enjoy English» Биболетова М.З. 8 класс.
Тема «Читать или не читать».

Цели:  письменный контроль грамматики по теме «Косвенная речь»; соврешенствование навыков монологической речи.
Наглядность и оборудование: ноутбук, экран, распечатки с заданиями, учебник английского языка Биболетова М.З. 8 класс.

Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
-Good day, pupils!
-Good day, teacher!
-I’m glad to see you, sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
We are going to begin with the test on the reported speech. Then you will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of books.

II. Самостоятельная работа.
(Задания взяты из курса «Grammar tests» учителя английского языка Чернышова С.)
Variant 1.
Task 1. Put the following sentences into reported speech
1) "I am going to the cinema".
He said that  ___________________.
2) "You have made that mistake again!"
He told her that  ___________________.
3) "I'll pass this exam"
Julia said that  ___________________.
4) "I lost my keys last week."
He said that  ___________________.
5) "They must do it now".
I told her that  ___________________.
6) "I will answer the letter."
He announced that  ___________________.
7) " I can't play tennis next week."
John said  ___________________.
1) He said that he was going to the cinema.
2) He told her that she had made that mistake again.
3) Julia said that she would pass that exam.
4) He said that he had lost his keys the previous week.
5) I told her that they had to do it then.
6) He announced that he would answer the letter.
7) John said he couldn’t play tennis the following week.

Variant 2.
Task 1. Put the following sentences into reported speech
1) Martin said, "I am ill."
Martin said that _______________ ill.
2) Martin said, "I can call her."
Martin said that he _______________ her.
3) Martin said, "I'm going on holiday tomorrow."
Martin said that he _______________ on holiday tomorrow.
4) Martin said, "I've just bought a house."
Martin said that _______________ a house.
5) Martin said, "It'll be tough."
Martin said that it _______________ tough.
6) Martin said, "Sean doesn't have time tomorrow."
Martin said that Sean _______________ time tomorrow.
7) Martin said, "I've been looking for you."
Martin said that he _______________ for me.
1. Martin said that he was ill.
2. Martin said that he could call her.
3. Martin said that he was going on holiday tomorrow.
4. Martin said that he had just bought a house.
5. Martin said that it would be tough.
6. Martin said that Sean didn’t have time tomorrow.
7. Martin said that he had been looking for me.

Task 2. Choose the correct answer (Общее задание для двух вариантов).
1)  He asked us  ___________(to / if / for)  show our passports.
2)  She asked us if we  ___________(had / have / will have)  finished the work on Monday.
3)  She asked us  ___________(to be / be / for being)  on time.
4)  I told him  ___________(not to / to not / to don't)  do it.
5)   She asked if she  ___________(could / can / must)  leave early.
6)  They asked me  ___________(if I was / that I was / when I am)  going to the party.
7)  He told me  ___________(to phone / I phone / phoned)  my father.
8)  She explained how  ___________(to / I should / I will)  do it.
9)  He asked me ___________(whether / what / that) I liked soccer.
10)  She told the boys ___________(not to waste / to not waste / not to wasted) their money.
Keys: правильный вариант в каждом предложении – первый, ва нужно только перемашть варианты ответов.

III. Фонетическая разминка.
Let’s revise the tongue twister. Look at the screen. Listen to my reading first, then you’ll try to read it by yourselves.
Hickety, pickety, my black cat
Likes to sit in my black hat.
Hickety, pickety, my black cat.
Read it all together please. Very well!  Who would like to read it as quickly as you can? Who else would like to try?
( Учащиеся читают скороговорку, разученную на прошлом уроке, на скорость).

IV. Развитие речи.
Sit in groups of 4 please. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of printed books on СD. Give your reasons. Make a list of them.
Примерный ответ:
a) The advantages of printed books:
- Pay once and can also borrow from the library.
- A chance to feel the atmosphere of previous generation.
- They keep the knowledge of the past.
The disadvantages of printed books:
- They can be quite expensive.
- Some of them are of a poor quality.
- The allergy for books’ dust.
- Reading is not good for eye sight.
b) The advantages of books on CD:
- Convenient to keep.
- You can download any book you want from the Internet.
- They are available and cheaper.
- More colorful.
The disadvantages of books on CD:
- Computer is bad for eyes and the whole organism.
- Books on CD are expensive.
- It’s hard to use them for old people.
(Дети работают в парах, составляют списки преимуществ и недостатков печатных и электронных книг. Варианты работы: а) несколько пар детей рассматривают преимущества и недостатки печатных книг, вторая половина класса (также в парах) рассматривают преимущества и недостатки электронных книг, потом дети делятся мнениями, сравнивают свои ответы с другими ответами по той же теме и слушают мнения оппонентов; б) дети работают в группах по 4 человека, сравнивают печатные и электронные книги, приходят к выводу, какие книги лучше, выражают мнение, какие книги они чаще используют в своей жизни.

V. Подведение итогов урока.
Did you like the lesson? What new or interesting things did you find out?
I’ll give the following marks … to …
Домашнее задание.
Учебник: упр. 38 стр.89; упр.3,4 (а,б), стр.47-48.
The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson, good bye!

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Опубликовано: 3973 дня назад (24 февраля 2014)
Просмотров: 5113
Голосов: 1
Наталья Владимировна Чертопрудова # 12 июня 2014 в 11:57 0
Использовала часть Вашего материала при подготовке к уроку для самостоятельной работы по теме Косвенная речь. Спасибо. Полезный материал. О, об аллергии на пыль на книгах мы и не вспомнили)