Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе на тему «Protecting the Environment»

Автор: Белых Татьяна Павловна, учитель английского языка, МБОУ «Кармалинская средняя общеобразовательная школа» Нижнекамского района РТ

Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе на тему «Protecting the Environment». Раздел 1, параграф 1, работа с текстом о защите окружающей среды

Цели:  формирование навыков просмотрового чтения; развитие навыков монологической речи на основе текста.

Наглядность и оборудование: записи на доске, учебники.

Ход урока


Деятельность учителя и учащихся

I.Организация начала урока.




Речевая зарядка.







II. Основная часть.

Работа с текстом.

Дотекстовый этап.

Текстовый этап.


Послетекстовый этап.

Плакаты о защите природы.


Ответы на вопросы.

III. Заключительный этап.

-Good morning, guys!

- Good morning teacher!

- I’m glad to see you, sit down please.

Who is on duty today? What day is it today?

Today we are going to read and discuss the text about ecological problems.

Речевая зарядка

But first let’s repeat the tongue twister. Look at the blackboard. I’ll read and you listen to me very attentively.


I miss my Swiss Miss,

My Swiss Miss misses me.


Основная часть

Ok, now let’s read it all together.

Answer my question please: what environmental problems do you think are discussed in the text? Name the words and word combinations that you can meet in the text.

Учитель записывает слова и словосочетания, предлагаемые учениками, на доску.

There are some word combinations in ex.11, p.43.  How do you think, which of them can we meet in the text?

Now read the text in ex.12, p.43 and say if you were right. Give a title to the text.

Possible variants: Save Our Planet!

Stop Polluting the Environment!

An International Disaster.

Ok, now open your exercise-books, write down the date. Look at the text once more and write down 6 words and expressions, that you don’t know. Are you ready? Let’s compare your lists. Who would like to start?

Very well. Now let’s try to guess the meaning of the words in your list using the plan in ex.13 p.44. Start with the second point – write down three meanings that you think are possible. Now talk to your partner about your guesses and check the translation using your text-books’ vocabulary.

- Have you ever drawn any picture which described the protecting of environment? There are four pictures in ex.14 p.44 What do they show?

- Different kinds of pollution.

- Yes, you are quite right. Could you make some titles to these pictures? I’ll give you a minute to think it over. Are you ready? Who would like to offer his ideas?

- Are you tired? Let’s have a break! Stand up please.


Hands up. hands down,

Hands on hips, sit down.

One, two, three hop!

One, two, three, stop.

(Repeat several times).


Now let’s continue our work. Look at ex. 15 p.44 There are words and expressions and they are not from the text. Your task is to write down words in the text that have the same meaning to those given in the task. Work in pairs please. Are you ready? Let’s check.

How clever of you! Is the idea of the text clear for you? Now we have another task – ex.16 p.44 You have several questions that will help you to understand the text better if you try to answer them. Alex, read the first question please. Who would like to answer? You may use the text. Do you agree? Ok, next question, Natasha, read please

Very well. Let’s summarize the information. What environmental problems do the humanity has? Can we solve them? How? I agree with you and I’m sure that we are able to minimize the impact people have on the nature together.

Open your record books please and write down the home task: you are to make a poster about protecting the environment and think about the slogan to your poster. Ex.17,18 p.44, ex.7 p.56

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.

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Наталья Владимировна Александрова # 26 ноября 2014 в 13:50 0
Очень хороший материал, будет полезен в работе. Тема является актуальной. Грамотное оформление и содержание. Спасибо.
Яна Олеговна Балак # 11 июля 2015 в 13:57 0
Очень четко, компактно изложен данный материал. Выдержаны этапы урока. Материал соответствует возрастной категории учащихся, теме урока. Можно еще использовать презентацию, с изображениями видов загрязнения окружающей среды. Физминутка устарела, на мой взгляд.Успехов в работе.Спасибо за материал
Наталья Игоревна Костенко # 16 августа 2018 в 13:49 0
Хорошее стандартное занятие на актуальную тему. Будем ожидать серию конспектов занятий. Работаете ли Вы с детьми над долгосрочными проектами?