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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 8 классе

Конкурс «Все под солнцем» - “Everything under the sun” - внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 8 класса.
Цель конкурса:
- развитие познавательной активности учащихся во внеурочной деятельности;
-развитие творческих и интеллектуальных способностей учащихся; --
- формирование межкультурной коммуникации учащихся на основе страноведческого материала.
Основные задачи Конкурса:
• воспитание подрастающего поколения в духе взаимопонимания и толерантности к языку и культуре другой страны;
• развитие интереса обучающихся к изучению иностранного языка и культуры иноязычных стран;
• развитие навыков межкультурной коммуникации;
• расширение словарного запаса,
• активизации изученной лексики,
• закрепления грамматических навыков;
• совершенствование навыков умения отвечать на вопросы;
• развитие инициативности, способности творчески мыслить, находить нестандартные решения.
Ход игры:
Песня “Hello! Nice day!” исполняется учащимися 5 класса.
Hello – hello
Nice day – nice day
Pleased to see you – pleased to see you too
Let’s run – let’s run
Let’s play – let’s play
I will talk to you – I will talk to you
We can dance – we can dance
And sing – and sing
We can jump – we can jump
And swing – and swing
Watch me laugh – watch me laugh
And poke a face – and poke a face
Now we’re friends – Now we’re friends
Come and join us at our place

1. На каждый стол дается лист со словом
Следует составить из этого слова как можно больше любых английских слов.

Рекламная пауза.
Пока участники готовятся ученица 7 класса рассказывает стихотворение Роберта Бернса “My heart`s in the Highlands”
My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of valour, the country of worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover’d with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods:
My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart’s in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.
2. Скороговорка “Betty Botter bought some butter”
Задание: Кто быстрее и точнее зачитает?

Betty Botter bought some butter
But she said :”My butter`s bitter.
If I put it in my batter
It will make my batter bitter.
If I buy some better butter
It will make my batter better.”
So she bought some better butter
And it made her batter better.

Рекламная пауза.
Ученица 5 класс рассказывает стихотворение “I want to be an actor Dad!”
-I want to be an actor, Dad. I want to go on stage.
-You should be a banker Tom and earn a decent wage.
- I want to be a barber, Dad. I want to do people`s hair.
- You should be a pilot Tom and work for British Air.
-I want to be a clown Dad. I think I am very funny.
-You should be a driver Tom and earn a lot of money.
- I want to be a barman Dad, so I can drink a lot of beer!
-A barman! You are joking Tom! That isn`t a career!
-I want to go into politics Dad and put the country right.
-I think that`s an excellent idea. Let`s tell your mother tonight.

3. Читаем загадки для обеих команд.
1. What is there in your house that you look into? (a mirror)
2. In what month do people talk the least? (February)
3. What is the end of everything? (letter G)
4. If you lose it once you can never find it again. (time)
5. What is the difference between “here” and “there”? (letter T)
6. What has four is [aiz]? (the Mississippi)
7. Can you think of something that has 50 heads but neither of them is able to think? (a box of matches)
8. What does a bear have that no other animals have? (A bear cub)
9. In what condition may Thursday come before Wednesday? (if you look them up in a dictionary)
10. It never asks questions but one has always to answer it. (a telephone)
11. What bush will you hide under when it is raining? ( a wet bush)

4. Конкурс “ Who is quicker?”
Задание: выучить короткое стихотворение за 1 минуту (или 30 секунд)
Pussy cat, pussy cat!
Where have you been?
I`ve been to London
To look at the Queen.
Pussy cat, pussy cat
What did you do there?
I frightened a mouse
Under the chair.
Рекламная пауза.
Учащийся 5 класса рассказывает стихотворение “Take a little bit of yellow”
Take a little bit of yellow.
Take a little bit of yellow
And a little bit of red,
Put it in the bowl
And what have you got instead?
We’ve got a colour we’ve never had before.
What have we got?
We’ve got orange!
We can mix lots of colours
All the colours you’ve ever seen.
We can mix lots of colours
Yellow and red make orange,
And yellow and blue make green.
Take a little bit of yellow
And a little bit of blue,
Put it in the bowl
And mix it up do.
We’ve got a colour we’ve never had before.
What have we got?
We’ve got green!
We can mix lots of colours
All the colours you’ve ever seen.
We can mix lots of colours
Yellow and red make orange,
And yellow and blue make green.
5. Кроссворд.
Подсчитываем слова с наибольшим количеством букв.
Рекламная пауза.
Учащиеся 10 класса исполняют песню “Yesterday”
Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be.
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.
Why she had to go, I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Why she had to go, I don't know, she wouldn't say.
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.
Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.
Now I need a place to hide away.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
6. Задаются 15 вопросов по страноведению. Кто больше правильно ответит?
1. In which month do people celebrate Christmas? (December)
2. How many forms does the Present tense have? (4)
3. How many parts does the UK consist of? (4)
4. Is the Queen the Head of State? (Yes)
5. A favorite drink of the British (tea)
6. Is Washington a capital or a state? (state)
7. Are the Indians native inhabitants of America?
8. What river does London stand on? (The Thames)
9. Name currency of New Zealand. (dollar)
10. How many stripes are there on an American flag? (13)
11. Name a favorite animal of Australia. (Koala)
12. Name the main type of transport in Australia. (boats)
13. How many stars are there on an American flag?
14. In which month do people celebrate Thanksgiving day? (November)
15. Is Australia an island? (Yes)
Подводим итоги игры, подсчитываем очки. Благодарим участников за интересную и познавательную игру и дарим подарки.
Напоследок исполняем песню “Moscow suburb nights”
Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight,
In the sleepy groove until dawn;
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb nights,
The caress of waking sun.
How I love these nights, Moscow suburb nights,
The caress of waking sun.
The calm rilling stream seems to ebb and flow
Like a silver web on moonlight
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night
In my heart I hear singing come and go
On this wonderful summer night
Why this downcast look? Does the rising day
Bring us near the hour when we part?
It's as hard to keep, as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
It's as hard to keep, as to give away
All that presses upon my heart.
Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights
Let me hope, my dear, that you too
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.
Will remember these Moscow suburb nights
And our love that has been so true.

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Просмотров: 2494
Голосов: 4
Наталья Леонидовна Макарова # 9 ноября 2016 в 05:11 0
Гульнара Мансуровна,хорошо,что Вы смогли задействовать не только учащихся 8 классов, но и других
Илюза Сагадеевна Шамигулова # 9 декабря 2016 в 08:58 0
Здравствуйте!Очень занимательный урок. Вы молодцы. Прекрасные песни звучат особенно "Yesterday". Вам голос!Спасибо за материал.