Творческий конкурс для педагогов «Самая лучшая Зима»


Конкурс для педагогов «Лучший конспект урока (занятия)»


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Академик С.П. Королёв

Освоение космоса - тема всегда актуальная и интересная. Учащиеся должны знать, кто полетел первым в космос, кто готовил этого человека в первый полёт, какая женщина полетела первой в космос и т.д.Я предлагаю текст для учителей английского языка об известном академике- С.П. Королёве.Этот человек внёс огромный вклад в развитие мировой космонавтики. В 7-м и 8-м классах есть разделы о выдающихся людях.Этот текст можно предложить учащимся для изучения и разбора.
Academician Korolyov
Today science plays a very important role in people’s lives. Scientific discoveries move the world progress. Every day scientists discover new things. They open new and important things in physics, chemistry, literature, mathematics, sport and so on. Their discoveries play a great role for future generations and live for many years. We remember the names of great scientists, such as: Lomonosov, Newton, Faradey, Ginzburg and many others.
But I am going to speak about S.P. Korolyov. I have chosen this project because I heard much about his active participation for Gagarin’s flight, who was the first cosmonaut in the world.
Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolyov, the famous Soviet scientist and designer was born in the city of Zhitomir in the family of a teacher. From 1927 he worked in the aircraft industry. In 1930, without leaving his job, he graduated from the Moscow Bauman Higher Technical School and finished a flying school in Zhitomir the same year. After a meeting with Tsiolkovsky and studying his ideas, Korolyov became a rocket enthusiast. He was one of the founders of modern space – rocketry engineering. In 1933 the Group for Studying Jet Propulsion was organized, and the first experimental rockets were made and tested. Korolyov took part in its work.
From then on Korolyov devoted himself to developing Soviet space – rocketry engineering. Beginning with 1957 the first Earth satellites in the world were put into orbit with the help of the systems he has designed and the far side of the Moon was photographed. The spaceships, in which man first flew into space and from which he walked into out into space, were made under his guidance. Korolyov trained many scientists and engineers who are now leading the work in research institutes and designing bureaus which specialize in the sphere of space – rocketry engineering.
Designer – конструктор; aircraft - авиация; space – rocketry engineering – космическое ракетостроение; Group for Studying Jet Propulsion – группа изучения реактивного движения; Moon – луна; guidance – руководство; research – научное исследование;
1. What is the role of science today?
2.What is the contribution of Korolyov to the world cosmounatics?
3.Have you seen the film about this famous person?
4.How do you understand the words: " rocket enthusiast". What does it mean?
5.Who was the first man, who walked out into open space?

6.How do you understand these lines?
Leonov- the first man , who walked out in space
The first constructor
Korolyov was,prepared Gagarin for flight,
Performed he heroic deed,
It was wonderful, very bright!
He worked very hard,
And didn't properly sleep,
He thought of a space flight,
His thought were so deep.
He sat in prison,
But was strong,
He proved his theory,
For so long!
He won the struggle,
It was hard,
But everything was good,
Gagarin was a famous star,
It was a brilliant mood!
Сегодня освоение космоса летит стремительными шагами, но люди всегда будут помнить имя С.П.Королёва и Ю.А.Гагарина. С.П. Королёв создавал и открывал космос. Он достоин того, чтобы его подвиг изучался в школе, он- героический человек, сидел в тюрьме, борясь за свои идеи. О нём создан прекрасный фильм, где Кирилл Лавров его играет.

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Стихотворение: Моим учителям | Стихи о зиме школьников 3-4-5 класса
Опубликовано: 3296 дней назад (14 декабря 2015)
Просмотров: 4399
Рубрика: Без рубрики
Голосов: 0

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