План-конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме: "Что говорят звезды?"

План-конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе
1. Тренировка произносительных навыков при декламации.
2. Тренировка чтения слов в транскрипции по данной тематике.
3. Повторение правил чтения следующих буквосочетаний ea, ee [i:], our, or, oor, ar [a:], ir, er, oo [u:].
4. Предъявление новой лексики по теме «Знаки зодиака».
5. Повторение и активизация вопросительных предложений в Простом настоящем времени.
6. Развитие умений аудировать и читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
I. Introduction.
II. Warming-up.
Pupils answer the following questions:
1) What do you look like?
2) What does your mother look like?
3) What does your friend look like?
4) What are you like?
5) What is your mother like?
6) What is your friend like?
Teacher. Dear children! Please, don't mix up these two ques¬tions!
What does she/he look like?
(We ask about a person's appearance.)
What is she/he like?
(We ask about a person's character.)
III. Phonetic exercises.
1. Reading rules (Revision). Remember!
1) ea, ee [i:] - sea, tea, see, tree
2) our [Ɔ:], oor [Ɔ:] - four, door
3) or [Ɔ:] - corn, horse
4) ar [a:] - park, car
5) ir, er [a:] - shirt, her
6) oo [u:] -cool, pool
Pupils write down these reading rules in their exercise-books.
2. Read the transcription of these words. Translate the words.
Capricorn (Козерог)
Cancer (Рак)
Aquarius (Водолей)
Leo (Лев)
Pisces (Рыбы)
Virgo (Дева)
Aries (ОВЕН)
Libra (Весы)
Gemini (Близнецы)
Scorpio (Скорпион)
Sagittarius (Стрелец)
Pupils read the translation of these words and try to pronounce them correctly.
IV. Lexical activities.
1. What are these star signs?
1) nrocirpaC
2) suirattigaS
3) suirauqA
4) oiprocS
5) inimeG
Pupils guess these words and write them in their exercise-books.
Do you know the words to the topic "The star signs"?
V. Grammar activities (Revision).
Present Simple
General questions
1. The verb to have.
1) Have you a lot of friends? - Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
2) Do you have a lot of friends? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
3) Has she a sister? - Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't.
4) Does she have a sister? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.
2. The verb to be.
1) Are you sociable? - Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
2) Is he happy? - Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.
3) Are they clever? - Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

3. Notional verbs (Смысловые глаголы).

1) Do you work a lot?
2) Do they work a lot?
3) Does he work a lot?
4) Does she work a lot?
VI. Listening for detail (ex. 1, p. 24).
1. Pre-listening.
Teacher. There are twelve star signs. This is what the astrologers say about people who belong to different star signs. Listen to the text attentively and find what the stars say about you. Is it true or not?
2. Post-listening.
1) Pupils tell about their star signs.
P1: My star sign is Capricorn! I am hard working and I want to have a good job. I agree with the astrologers that Capricorns are serious and sociable, but shy. It is true!
Р2. My star sign is Taurus. I am musical. I am good at farming. I like working in my garden. I also agree with the astrologers that that people of our star sign are careful and helpful. It is true!
2) Pupils are divided into groups according to their star signs. They find positive and negative features of their star sign and compare them with their characters.
P3: People having the star sign Virgo are critical and helpful. Virgos have a good ability to observe other people. They like to criticize. In my opinion, it is a negative feature. But they have a lot of positive features. They have a strong sense of taste, sight, hearing and smell.
VII. Reading for detail (ex. l, p. 24).
Чтение с целью детального понимания требует развитие умения работать со словарем (1) (развитие этого умения включается в цель упражнения) и умения догадываться о слов (2) (по звучанию, по графическому изображению, по контексту, по словообразовательным
1. Pre-reading.
Teacher. Find the words in bold (выделенные) and explain their meanings. You can use the vocabularies in your text-books and ex. l (3) (ABII), p. 19.
P1: The word "honest" means "telling the truth".
P2: To my mind the word "bad-tempered means "having an evil (bad) character" etc.
2. Reading.
Pupils are divided into groups according to their star signs. They read the text in turn according to their star signs.
3. Post-reading (ex. 1(3), p. 25).
Teacher. Answer my questions, please!
1) What positive and negative things do the stars say about people?
2) What is the character of the Crab (Cancer)?
3) What is the character of the Goat (Capricorn)?
4) Are Leos strong personalities or not?
5) Who makes friends very easily?
6) Do Libras make a decision easily or not?
VIII. The conclusion of the lesson.
Homework: ex. 2, 3, p. 25; ex. 3, p. 20 (AB II).

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Опубликовано: 4099 дней назад (30 декабря 2013)
Просмотров: 8601
Голосов: 5
Маргарита Александровна Гришина # 1 января 2014 в 11:19 +1
Татьяна,прекрасный конспект урока,хорошо продублированный наглядными учебными картинками.Мне очень понравились знаки зодиака,такие необычные характеристики каждого,что то новенькое,нужно взять на заметку.Все последовательно изложено доходчиво и интересно.Я думаю в такой форме и с таким наглядным материалом занятие пройдет удачно и результативно,рефлексия будет отличная у детей.Я за!