Творческий конкурс для педагогов «Самая лучшая Зима»


Конкурс для педагогов «Лучший конспект урока (занятия)»


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Конспект урока английского языка в 4 классе по теме "Школьная жизнь", с использованием метода проектной технологии

Конспект урока в 4 классе по теме “School Life”, с использованием метода проектной технологии
Цели урока:
Образовательная: Развитие навыков разговорной речи. Закрепление лексического, грамматического материала и коммуникативных форм.
Развивающая: Приобретение навыков самостоятельной творческой работы, поиск и подбор необходимого материала.
Воспитательная: Воспитание культуры взаимодействия, умение работать в команде, воспитание культуры общения. Умение работать индивидуально. Воспитание устойчивого интереса к предмету.
Оснащение урока:
1. “Английский язык 4” УМК И.Н. Верещагина, O.V. Afanasyeva
2. “Way Ahead 4” Printha Ellis, Mary Bowen
3. “English World 3” Mary Bowen, Liz Hocking
4. Проектные работы обучающихся.
Ход урока: Каждый ученик проводит урок по определенному, заранее выбранному, предмету. Ученики представляют свои проектные работы.

Ученик-ведущий: Good morning, children. Today is Tuesday and we have got four classes: Handicraft, Maths, English and Nature Study. We start at 8.30 and finish at 12.15. There are breaks between the classes. During the breaks we play games, have a rest and go to the canteen to have lunch – porridge, cocoa, sandwiches, fruit etc. The first lesson is Handicraft. Let’s start!
1 ученик: Good morning, children! I’m a Handicraft teacher. Are you ready to play a game with a cup and a ball? Yes, you are. Now, let’s make this game. You have got paper, pencils, strings and sticky tape.Now follow my instructions.Take the paper. Fold the paper. Cut. Keep the small piece of paper. Open out the big piece of paper. Open out the big piece. Turn it over. Colour it. Turn over the paper again. Fold it. Fold it again and cut. Open the paper. Stick the string onto it. Put side 1 on top of side 2. Stick it. Make the small piece of paper into a ball. Stick it on the end of the string. Swing the ball up into the air. Catch it in the cup. Enjoy the game. Let’s play together! Who is the winner?

Ученик-ведущий: The second lesson is Math. Let’s do the sums.
2 ученик: I’m a Maths teacher. Now the first task is: There were five lemons and twelve apples. The boy took five apples and put four lemons. The girl put 3 apples and took one lemon. How many lemons and apples left?
Who is ready? What is the right answer? How many apples? That’s right… 10 apples. How many lemons? That’s right ... 8 lemons. The second task is easy. Answer the question: How many? Twenty-two multiplied by three is …. That’s right, sixty-six. Now, divide one hundred and fifty by thirty. The answer is … That’s true, fifty. One hundred and eleven plus one hundred and eleven is … True! It’s two hundred and twenty two.

Ученик-ведущий: The third lesson is English. Let’s talk about school rules.
3 ученик: I’m an English teacher. We are going to set some school rules. What rules do you know? Why rules are important?Now, let’s set the rules of our classroom:
1. Keep the shelves tidy.
2. You should put your bag under your chair.
3. Always have a pen, a pencil, a rubber and a ruler on your desk.
4. Put rubbish in the bin so that the classroom is clean.
5. Don’t shout.
6. Put up your hand.
7. Open the windows at break time to air the room
What rules do you follow? Why?

Ученик-ведущий: The fourth lesson is Nature Study. It is very interesting.
4 ученик: I’m a Nature Study teacher. Look at the map. What continents can you see? That’s right. Europe, Africa, Asia, America. Do you know that first there were people in Africa. Look at my picture. There was water and there were trees. Were there tools? Yes, tools were for work. Did people cook food? No, there wasn’t any fire to cook food.
Next there were people in Asia. They were hunters and they had spears. What did they do? That’s true… They hunt animals and eat them. There was fire. There weren’t any houses.
There were people in Europe. Was it cold? Yes, it was. There weren’t any houses but there were caves. Where did people leave? That’s right, in caves. They drew pictures on the walls. There was fire and people can cook food. People wore warm clothes.

Ученик-ведущий: Thanks for everybody. The lesson is over. See you on Thursday. Good-bye.
Обсуждение проектных работ

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Опубликовано: 4011 день назад (14 января 2014)
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