Автор: Яковлева Ирина Валерьевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ Марковская СОШ, Пермский край, Чайковский район, п. Марковский
Описание материала: Предлагаю вам конспект урока английского языка для учащихся 10 класса по теме «Жизнь в 18 лет». Данный материал будет полезен учителям английского языка. Конспект урока включает упражнения на формирование навыков чтения и говорения.
Цель: Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, использование лексических единиц по теме «Жизнь в 18 лет».
Lesson stage: Lead-in
Aim: To generate interest in the topic and set the scene for the lesson. To help Ss to anticipate context of reading.
Procedure: -Put the Ss in small groups.
-Tel1 them to look back at the words or phrases in ex.3 (previous lesson) and choose 2-3 of them.
-Ask them to talk about the age at which people did these things 50 years ago.
-Do they think that it was better in the past or do they prefer the way things are now?
ex.3p.49( earn a good salary, get a job, get a place of your own, get engaged, get married, graduate from university, have children, have your first kiss, learn to drive a car, look after your grandchildren, retire, start wearing make-up)
Lesson stage: Warmer
Aim: To establish a relaxed atmosphere.
Procedure: -Write a number of dates on the board (e.g. August 2010, December 2008, 2001, 1998.)
-Ask Ss to think about these dates and to tell their partner what they
remember or know about their life at that point.
- Get feedback from various Ss.
Lesson stage: Pre-Teach
Aim: To help Ss with potential problems.
Procedure: Put some words on a board.
Lesson stage: First reading
Aim: To give Ss practice in reading for gist.
Procedure: Ex.2p.50.
-Ss read text 1 and answer the questions in pairs.
1 Who is the website for?
2 What does the website ask readers to do?
-Check the answers with the class.
(Answers: 1. Eighteen-year-olds, 2. Send comments to say what life is like for them)
Lesson stage: Second reading
Aim: To provide Ss with practice in reading for detail.
Procedure: ex3a p.50.
1. Focus on the box and make sure the Ss know that career refers to their professional life.
- Put Ss into three groups, A,B and C. Ss in group A read text 2 on p.50, Ss in group B read the text on page 130 and Ss in group C read the text on page 134. They work individually at this stage, ticking the subjects mentioned by the person they are reading about.
- Discuss in groups.
2. Rearrange the class so that there is one S from group A, one from B and one from group C together.
- Ss take it in turns to tell the others about the text they have read.
- The other Ss listen and complete the rest of the table.
Check the answers with the whole class. Give Ss keys.
Gregor: the army, education, free time, family and money (he says it would be expensive to get a place of his own)
Miguel: education (he`s just left school), free time, career, money and family
Fei: education, career, money and family)
Lesson stage: Follow-up (speaking)
Aim: To personalize topic for Ss. To practice skills.
Procedure: Ex.4p.50
- Read through the questions with the whole class.
1. Which person do you think you are most similar to: Gregor, Miguel or Fei? In what ways? 2. Will you enjoy your life when you will be 18? Why/ Why not?
- Ss work in the same groups as in ex.3b, discussing their answers.
- Get feedback from various Ss.
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Наталья Игоревна Костенко # 16 августа 2018 в 14:45 0 | ||