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План-конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе

План-конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе по теме: Одеваемся на разные случаи жизни (проект)
1. Основная цель - развитие коммуникативной культуры и социально-культурной образованности учеников, позволяющих участвовать в социально-бытовой и учебно-профессиональной среде.
2. Обучающие цели:
- Фонетика. Тренировка произносительных навыков при декламации стихотворений во время фонетической зарядки; тренировка чтения слов в транскрипции по (данной) тематике «Одежда»;
- Лексика. Повторение и активизация лексического материала по (данной) соответствующей тематике; применение ранее изученного лексического материала в новых ситуациях общения;
- Грамматика. Применение ранее изученного грамматического материала («Настоящее простое время», «Настоящее продолженное время», «Степени сравнении прилагательных», «Притяжательный падеж существительных») в новых ситуациях общения (ролевая игра «Конференция с известным модельером).
Проект «Демонстрация современной коллекции одежды на 2013 год»
- проектная технология (обучение проектной технологии):
1-й этап. Подготовка, определение темы и целей по данной тематике (Демонстрация современной коллекции одежды на 2013 год).
2-й этап. Планирование (определение источников информации, определение способа представления результатов - демонстрация одежды, создание журнала мод); распределение задач и обязанностей между участниками (ведущий модельер, фотомодели, известный французский модельер).
3-й этап. Исследование проблемы. Определение формы опроса - конференция, подбор необходимых наглядных материалов (микрофоны, детали одежды, рисунки по определенным направлениям моды).
4-й этап. Достижение результатов (создание 4 коллекций одежды по направлениям «Школа», «Торжественные события» (вечера), «Спорт», «Одежда для свободного времени»; создание журнала мод Glamour)1
5-й этап. Оглашение результатов.
Демонстрация современной коллекции одежды на 2013 год.
3. Развивающие цели:
- Говорение. Развитие монологической и диалогической речи (комментарий к демонстрации мод, конференция с известным французским модельером);
- Письмо. Описание 4 коллекций одежды в журнале мод Glamour;
- Чтение. Развитие навыков чтения повествовательные предложения.
4. Воспитывающие цели: воспитание красоты, эстетического вкуса, аккуратности, внимания к своему внешнему облику; знакомство с работой художников-модельеров.
Оборудование: микрофоны, одежда по определенным стилям, рисунки по определенным направлениям мод, журнал мод Glamour (состоящий из 4 разделов), книга отзывов и предложений.
I. Introduction.
The objectives of the lesson
II. Warming-up.
Pupils answer the following:
1) What would you like to wear in summer?
2) What are your school clothes?
3) What are your favourite clothes?
4) What would you like to wear for a party?
5) What would you like to wear for a trip?
III. Phonetic exercises.
1. Teacher. Enjoy your English and sing the song "What do you wear?"
What do you wear on your hands?
What do you wear on your hands?
Gloves and mittens,
Mittens and gloves (2 times)
What do you wear when it's cold?
A sweater.
What do you wear when it's cold?
A jacket.
A sweater and a jacket,
A jacket and a sweater. (2 times)
2. Teacher. And now let us learn the poem.
Shoes and boots,
Boots and shoes!
Come and buy
The size you use.
Try them on
Before you choose,
Shoes and boots,
Boots and shoes.
3. Teacher. Read and translate the words: (The words are given in transcription.)
denim jacket
high heeled shoes
flat shoes        
bow tie                        
waistcoat  overall                        
fur coat
  Pupils read the words and try to pronounce them correctly.
IV. Lexical exercises.
Pupils translate the phrases:
1) потрясающая шуба (fabulous fur coat);
2) носить красивую красную юбку (to wear a beautiful red woolen skirt);
3) примерять туфли на высоком каблуке (to try high heeled shoes on);
4) дорогие желтые шелковые лосины (expensive yellow silk leggings);
5) модный теплый спортивный костюм (a smart track suit).
V. Writing competition.
Teacher. We know that you have prepared different projects for today. They are "School", "A party", "Spart", "Free time activities". Now we are going to have a funny and merry competition. I'd like to invite one person from each project for this competition. I'll dictate different kinds of clothes. Your task is to listen to these words attentively and write only clothing for a chosen activity. Is it clear? Let's start!
(На доске - 4 заголовка: «Школа», «Вечеринка», «Спорт», «Свободное время». Представитель каждого из проектов выбирает из общего словарного диктанта только лексику по своему направлению.)
Teacher. Listen to me very attentively and write correctly:
shorts, evening dress, T-shirt, flat shoes, suit, track-suit, jeans, mini-skirt, high heeled shoes, tie, trainers, shirt, denim jacket, bow tie, leggings, baseball cap, waistcoat, scarf, dress, overalls
Example: "Sport"
PI: shorts, trainers, T-shirt, tracksuit, leggings, baseball cap.
VI. Role-playing (Conference with Christian Dior, a famous French fashion designer).
One pupil is Christian Dior. He answers all kinds of questions.
School fashion designer (Pi): My name is Artem Mihajlov. I'm a Russian fashion designer. I'd like to ask you a question. What is modern for girls this year?
Christian Dior: To my mind, mini-skirts with a floral pattern, short bright T-shirts and, of course, denim jeans, faded denim jackets.
P2:1 am Alina Vrabie. I am interested in French fashion. I am fond of reading fashion magazines. And what about you? Do you think that having good taste in clothes is linked with being fashionable?
Christian Dior: Yes, you are right. Good taste is almost everything in clothes. Besides, I think clothes simply reveal characters of people.
VII. Project.
Reports of "school fashion designers" about main trends in fashion about dressing for different activities. (Полилог)
5-й этап проектной технологии.
Представление результатов (Выступления «школьных модельеров для  различной  деятельности  человека»  - «Спорт», «Школа», «Праздники», «Свободное время».)
Teacher. Dear children! You'll have the possibility to hear everything about the main trends in fashion and dressing for different activities. Today we have invited 4 "school fashion designers" to our sdhool assembly hall. They'll tell us about clothing for sport, school, free time activities and for our parties. So, you are welcome!
School fashion designer /"Sport"/(Pi): I'd like to tell you about clothing for sport. To my mind, these clothes should be simple, practical, and comfortable.
We propose you all kinds of shorts for boys and girls. It's better to wear cotton shorts. To my mind, fashionable lovely coloured T-shirts brighten up denim jeans and faded denim jackets. For all kinds of sport it's useful to wear tracksuits and trainers.
This year for girls going in for callisthenics it will be fashionable to wear bright red leggings with shorts. As for me, orange, green and red baseball caps make all these sport clothes more interesting.
And now you'll see some fabulous models for our day-wear collection. We are proud to present this year's summer collection!
(Затем 2-3 ученика показывают модели этой коллекции одежды.)
Fashion show "Sport".
- First on the catwalk is Paul, wearing a classic two-piece green woolen tracksuit. Paul wears it with super Adidas trainers. He can wear  this tracksuit anywhere he likes. But of course, when you are going to the party, you mustn't wear it! It's bad taste! Thanks, Paul!
- Dressed in comfortable clothes, Helen introduces our girls' casual wear collection. Helen is wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black polo-neck jumper. She has also tied a red silk scarf round her waist to complete the look. Thanks, Helen!
School fashion designer /"School"/ (P2): As for me, I'd like to tell you about school fashion this year. We propose green wool¬len suits with yellow shirts for boys and green pleated (плиссированные) skirts with white denim shirts for girls. Besides, they can wear bright rucksacks for all special things. Don't take big bright earrings and bracelets to school!
(Затем идет демонстрация моделей этой коллекции одежды.)
Fashion show "School".
P2. And now you'll see 2 wonderful models of your school collec¬tion. I am proud to present this year's school collection!
- First on the catwalk is Boris, wearing a classic two-piece brown woolen suit. Boris wears it with a plain white shirt. Besides, he wears a comfortable pair of black trainers. The red tie brightens up this suit. Thanks, Boris.
- Dressed with classic elegance Jane is wearing a grey, two-peace woollen suit. The skirt is short. Jane is wearing a long sleeved jacket with a blue scarf. Thanks, Jane.
School fashion designer /Free time activities/(Pa): As for me, I'd like to tell you some words about clothing for free time activities. Each of us has a lot of hobbies. Hobbies are different: garden-ing, listening to music, visiting theatres etc. So, to my mind, people should have comfortable loose-fitting clothes for their hobbies. Now we'll show you some models from our fabulous collection.
Fashion show "Free time activities" (Идет демонстрация моделей.)
- First on the catwalk is Ann, wearing a fashionable bright red bathing-suit (купальный костюм). You can wear it with a wide-brimmed straw hat. Thanks, Ann.
- So, what about boy's casual wear? Well, colour is everything this season! Chris is wearing bright red jeans with a black leather jacket. A checked shirt (рубашка в клеточку) completes the outfit. Thanks, Chris.
School fashion designer /Parties, festivals, celebrations/ (P4): We are prepared a fabulous summer collection for you. You'll wear our clothes at the parties, festivals and celebrations. This year for girls it is fashionable to wear long black evening dresses with beautiful hats. For boys we prepare black woollen trousers and plain white shirts with bow-ties. We are proud to present our collection to you.
Fashion show "Festivals" (Демонстрация моделей.)
You can see Nina on the catwalk. She is our best model. She is wearing a long red silk evening dress with a beautiful pink scarf. Be¬sides, she is wearing a pink pill-box hat on her head. Thanks, Nina.
- Andrew is showing a classic two-piece black woolen suit. He wears it with black shoes and a blue shirt. The red bow-tie brightens up the suit and makes it more interesting. Thanks, Andrew.
Teacher. This is the end of our fashion show. I'd like to thank our models, our school fashion designers for their collections and now I'd like our guests to write some words about this fashion show.
VIII. Writing / Speaking.
Pupils are divided in 2 groups.
1. Pupils of the 1st group speak about their impression of this "Fashion show".
PI: This "Fashion show" has made great impression on me! I think super models of sport collection are the best. They are practical and comfortable!
P2: To my mind, the models of clothes for free time activities are original and simply brilliant. The can be used in life! etc.
2. Pupils of the 2nd group write about their impression of this "Fashion show".
P3: To my mind, this fashion show is cool! Wow! Brill!
P4: I'd like to thank all school fashion designers and their nice models for wonderful work. You are talented and creative! etc.
IX. The conclusion of the lesson.
Во время демонстрации мод можно осуществить фотосъемку. Затем фотографии всех моделей поместить в журнал мод с комментариями школьных модельеров на английском языке. В конце журнала поместить отзывы гостей о данном шоу.
Homework: ex. 4, 5, p. 5.

Рекомендуем посмотреть:

Мастер-класс. Рождественская книжка на уроке английского языка Конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе «Мои летние каникулы» План-конспект урока английского языка по теме: «Праздники в моей стране» для 6 класса Welcome to Annovka!

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Опубликовано: 4000 дней назад (9 января 2014)
Просмотров: 7256
Голосов: 5
Татьяна Владимировна Смирнова # 9 января 2014 в 18:44 +3
Тема доступная, план подробный, выполняется одновременно достаточно много целей, спасибо за материал!
Валентина Владимировна Рощина # 10 января 2014 в 21:29 +3
Голос!!!!Любила в школе английский язык!!! v
Татьяна Анатольевна Андрианова # 10 января 2014 в 23:45 +3
Здорово! Спасибо!