Творческий конкурс для педагогов «Самая лучшая Зима»


Конкурс для педагогов «Лучший конспект урока (занятия)»


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Проба пера

Проходит литературный конкурс, одна из номинаций называется: "Проба пера", где ученики сочиняют свои стихи на английском языке.
"Test flight"
My school
I’ll never forget my school,
My teachers:they’re so nice,
Let all the years pass by and by,
It’s difficult to say: ”Good bye!’’
I’ll never forget my friends,
They help me everywhere,
We spend a lot of time together,
They’re so friendly, so dare.
I’ll never forget merry breaks,
Funny and sincere talks,
Clever lessons, our jokes,
How we laughed and walked.
Years will go on and pass,
I’ll be grown-up some days,
But my school is: “Learning teacher”,
Gives me sun and many rays.
Минеева Дарья, 10 класс
Mineeva Dasha, 10-nth form
Winter has come to the city,
Everything’s white and nice:
Ground and trees like a “silver’’,
They sparkle and so bright.
People are happy and smile,
Children run quickly to school,
Winter is very pleasant
The weather is very cool.
Арисова Лада, 8 класс
Arisova Lada, 8-th form

Winter forest
Forest is covered with snow,
Silence sleeps in the sky,
White blanket is so warm
Sparkles and is very nice.
It is heard how snowflakes
Circle above my head,
They’re like ballet dancers,
First alive and then are dead.
I see a bullfinch on a tree,
It looks with open eyes,
It’s so clever and important,
Like a child it smiles.
Beauty’s everywhere,
It’s like a fairy tale,
So funny and fantastic,
I’d like to ski and skate.
Ткаченко Ариша, 8 класс
Tkachenko Arisha, 8-th form
Pushkin’s nanny
Pushkin’s nanny loved him greatly,
Kissed him often and adored,
In the evening told tales,
And small Sasha never bored.
Listened he with great attention,
Drew the images in head,
Masterpieces then appeared,
They will always live and never dead.
A room of the nurse in her house
We like to look at nanny’s room,
Where everything is calm and clean,
The table cloth, the icon in the corner,
All these things so much mean.
There is a mirror on the wall,
The broom is lying on the floor,
The weaver’s loom stands very quietly,
And nobody there’s at the door.
Everything today is dear,
People cherish Pushkin’s name,
We like reread his masterpieces,
He has the honored, greatest fame.
Pushkin’s duel
His duel was a tragedy,
For all people and mankind,
We still remember Pushkin,
It’s a pity, but he died.
Many years have passed,
His books are still alive,
As they’re masterpieces,
We’ll learn them, always try!
Федоренко Ангелина
Fedorenko Angelina, 8-th form

We are proud of our sportsmen,
Who make richer our Krai,
They medals win at competitions,
We value them and we are right.
Their deeds are very great,
They glorify the city, Krai,
Respect we their sporty job,
We know, we are right!
We’re proud of Chepalova,
She’s super, she’s the top,
Her skies can glide over snow
And she can never stop.
Пироговская Диана, 10 класс
Pirogovskaya Diana, 10-nth form

I greatly love my Motherland,
It’s forests, people, lakes,
It’s cities, kind and friendly people,
It’s rivers, children, plains.
Let Russia be much richer,
Much stronger, powerful more
We have the blue sky, lovely people,
We’re happy all and there’s no war!
Let people love each other,
Respect and understand,
Will kindness win the anger,
Let all be faithful friends!
Шестакова Настя, 10 класс
Shestakova Nastya, 10-nth form

My Russia
My country – is my Russia,
With all the fields and seas,
Great cities and the villages,
With people, Russian reeds.
With valleys, green and wide,
Museums, theatres and arts,
With all celebrities it has,
With sportsmen taking part:
In famous competitions,
We have the highest prize,
As they have got a lot of medals,
And never,never hide.
I’ll never leave my country,
Here I was born,
I have my friends and close people,
I won’t be a “gone!”
Бойко София, 9 класс
Boiko Sophia, 9-nth form

Конечно,на английском языке ребятам писать сложно, но они изучали стихи английских поэтов, таких как Байрон, Шели, Бёрнс.Ученики учились рифмовать строчки, подбирая нужные слова.Переводили английские стихи. Многие пишут стихи на русском о природе, школе, друзьях. Эти же стихи ученики пытались перевести на английский язык, т.е."пробовали своё перо", поэтому номинация называется: "Проба пера"

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Опубликовано: 3240 дней назад (8 февраля 2016)
Просмотров: 1763
Рубрика: Без рубрики
Голосов: 4
Ольга Бородачева # 8 февраля 2016 в 15:16 +1
Татьяна Михайловна чудесные, красивые строчки.Очень понравилось, желаю вам творческого вдохновения! Заходите в гости буду рада!
Татьяна Михайловна Каргаполова # 13 февраля 2016 в 17:29 +1
Наталия Юрьевна Мурашова # 15 июня 2016 в 07:50 +1
Татьяна Михайловна, у Вас очень достойная публикация. Нужно каждого воспитанника выдвигать на конкурс по отдельности. У ребенка появится грамота за участие в международном конкурсе. и любому классному руководителю в копилочку благодарность сгодится.