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Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе. Писательницы Британии

British Women Writers
Цель урока: повышение культурного и образовательного уровня и раскрытие социокультурного потенциала личности учащихся. Материал может быть использован на уроках разного типа:
- объяснение нового материала;
- повторение грамматических правил по теме «артикли»
- контроль знания лексических единиц по теме «страны Великобритании»,
- тренировка и контроль навыков устной речи по теме,
- развитие навыков аудирования.
Развивающий компонент цели: развитие индивидуальных умений работы в паре, группе, к переключению внимания в упражнениях комплексного характера, в разных видах речевой деятельности.
Образовательный компонент цели: совершенствование навыков активного овладения чтением, пониманием и восприятием текстов; углубление знаний учащихся в области английской литературы.
Воспитательный компонент цели: развитие эстетического вкуса, воспитание уважения к носителям иноязычной культуры, углубление познавательного интереса к предмету, привитие вкуса к чтению.
Оборудование и оформление: стенд с произведениями британских писателей (книги на русском и английском языках), DVD-проигрыватель и телевизор, магнитофон, компьютер, проектор, приложение.
Тип урока: формирование новых знаний
Форма урока: урок – знакомство
Тип работы: чтение, письмо
Метод работы: объяснительно-иллюстративный
Формы работы: фронтальная, самостоятельная, парная
Ход урока
Teacher: Good morning, children. Let us continue our talk about British literature. You know that Britain is a country that has produced a great number of literary people.
First of all, I give you sheets of paper and you must collect names of British women writers. ( Pupils divided into 3 groups and each group collect names from sheets.)
Look at the titles of the books and try to guess what they have in common.
Pride and Prejudices Frankenstein
Jane Eyre Ten Little Niggers

(Pupils look at the titles of the books and say that all of them were written by women writers.)
Teacher: Today we shall speak about women writers who also made a great contribution to British literature.
There have always been good women writers, but until the XXth century it was not easy for a woman writer to get her works published and sell many of the copies under her own name. Many XVIIIth and XIXth century women writers used male pen-names or pseudonyms: George Eliot, for example, an important XIXth century writer (1819-1880), never used her real name which was Mary Ann Evans.
During the lesson we shall speak about only 4 of them but there are, of course, much more women writers who deserve being spoken about.
Teacher: Look at the titles of the books again and try to guess which one was written by Jane Austen.
(One of the pupils tells the name of the book.)
Ok! And the first woman writer today is Jane Austin.
Jane Austen was born in 1775, the seventh of eight children, in the family of a clergyman and spent her short life in Hampshire, near the south coast of England. Her novels describe the everyday life of people in the upper-middle class circle she knew best. Money and social position were very important and the only role of a woman of that class was to find a rich husband.
Her famous book Pride and prejudice.Who knows about it? May be read it?
Teacher: I am sure nobody will fail to name the author of Frankenstein.
Listen to the information about Mary Shelley and say how her famous book appeared.
(One of the pupils tells some facts from Mary Shelley’s life.)
Pupil: Born August 30, 1797, in London, England, Mary Shelley came from a rich literary family. She was the daughter of William Godwin, a political theorist, novelist, and publisher and of Mary Wollstonecraft, a writer and early feminist thinker. Her mother died 10 days after her daughter's birth.
Mary and Percy Shelley were married December 30, 1816. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was published in 1818, when Mary was 21, and became a huge success. The first edition of the book had a preface by Percy Shelley. Many, disbelieving that a 19-year-old woman could have written such a horror story, thought that it was his novel.
Teacher: Read the following review of the novel Frankenstein.
Put the four sentences in the correct place.
Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley, the wife of the poet P.B. Shelley, in 1818.
The story is told through the letters of a man called Walton, an English explorer. We are told of Victor Frankenstein, a student from Geneva, who discovers the secret of life.
(2)___________________ People are terrified of it because it is so huge and ugly. The poor monster has no friends and feels lonely and depressed, so it asks Frankenstein to make it a wife.
(3)___________________Then the monster attacks and kills not only Frankenstein’s friend, but also his brother and his brother’s bride Elizabeth. Frankenstein is heartbroken and is determined to kill the monster. (4)___________________ Frankenstein is a fascinating story because of the character of the monster, which is both sad and frightening at the same time.
a. So he collects bones and bodies from graveyards, and constructs a creature which is more monster than man.
b. However he is killed first by the monster, which then kills itself.
c. This he refuses to do.
d. It is a horror story which is thought to be the original science fiction novel.
(One of the pupils reads the final variant of the text..)
Teacher: ok very good, now listen to the story about the Brontё sisters.
The Brontё sisters were exceptional writers of poetry as well as fiction. Between 1847 and 1848, all three sisters published novels. They all wrote under different names because “good” women were not allowed to write: Emily Brontё became Ellis Bell; Charlotte Brontё, Currer Bell; Anne Brontё, Acton Bell.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontё is a most romantic, exciting story about a little orphan Jane, who went to the Lowood school for poor girls and later became a governess in the house of Mr. Rochester (a man with a strange history), and eventually married him. This novel was accepted at once and published quickly, and it has a tremendous success which lasted to this very day.
All three sisters died very young. The house where they lived is now a museum and you can walk from it over to the Yorkshire moors to the farm where Wuthering Heights is set.
(Pupil: The Brontё sisters wrote under the name Bell because it was impossible for a woman to write under her real name.)
Teacher: Work in pairs. Each of you has a text with some missing information in it. Don’t show your card to your partner. Ask each other questions to fill in the gaps with the missing information.
Pupil A card
Charlotte Brontё was one of __ children. After the death of her mother and her two sisters Charlotte and the three remaining children were placed in the care of ___ .
After this each sister began independent work on a novel. Emily’s book Wuthering Heights
And Anne’s book ___ were accepted for publication.
Charlotte’s first novel was not a success. Her next effort, an autobiography of an orphan girl, was immediately accepted by a publisher in 1846 and became a sensation among readers. This was her masterpiece ___.
All in all Charlotte Brontё wrote four books.
In1847, the year after she completed her fourth and final novel, Charlotte ______. A yearlatershedied.
Pupil B card
Charlotte Brontё was one of six children. _________ Charlotte and the three remaining children were placed in the care of an aunt.
After this each sister began independent work on a novel. Emily’s book ___________
and Anne’s book Agness Grey were accepted for publication.
Charlotte’s first novel was not a success. Her next effort, an autobiography of an orphan girl, was immediately accepted by a publisher in ____ and became a sensation among readers. This was her masterpiece Jane Eyre.
All in all Charlotte Brontё wrote ____ books.
In1847, the year after she completed her fourth and final novel, Charlotte got married. ____latershedied.
(One of the pupils reads the final variant of the text.)
Teacher: The name of the next person we are going to speak about is surely familiar to you. It`s Agatha Christie
( Pupil read information abot A. Christie).
Agatha Christie is known all over the world as the Queen of Crime. She was born in 1890 in Torquay, Devonshire. During her long writing career she wrote over 83 books. Her detective novels are translated into every major language and he is one of the best-selling authors in the world. Many of the novels and short stories have been filmed. TheMousetrap, her famous play, is now the longest-running play in history. Besides being a detective story writer, Agatha Christie wrote several plays as well as six romantic novels and a book of poems (under the name of Mary Westmacott).
Agatha Chrisie died in 1976 at the age of eighty-five. Her last Poirot book, Curtain, appeared shortly before her death, and her last Miss Marple story, Sleeping Murder, and her autobiography were published after her death. But it is obvious from the number of her books still sold that her famous characters continue to live many years to come.
Teacher: And today we are going to speak about her detective novelcalled “Ten Little Niggers”. And now we will read a poem.
Ten little nigger boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self, and then there were nine.

Nine little nigger boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself, and then there were eight.

Kight little nigger boys travelling in Devon;
One said he´d stay there, and then there were seven.

Seven little nigger boys chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in half, and then there were six.

Six little nigger boys playing with a hive;
A bumble-bee stung one, and then there were five.

Five little nigger boys going in for law;
One got in chancery, and then there were four.

Four little nigger boys going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one, and then there were three.

Three little nigger boys walking in the Zoo;
A big bear hugged one, and then there were two.

Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up, and then there was one.

One little nigger boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were None.

Teacher: Very good,you know that there are different ways to choose a book. Some people choose a book reading blurbs. Let us try to do it.
Blurb /blә:b/ The blurb about a new book, film, or exhibition is information that is written about in order to attract people’s interest. [informal] Collins Cobuild English Dictionary
Here are two blurbs to books written by A.Christie, J.Austen. Match the name of the book with the blurb.
byJ. Austen The Clocks
by A. Christie
1. Like a lot of other people, the girl was drawn like a magnet to the house in Wilbraham Crecent. She found herself in a crowd looking at a murder house.
To think that it was a house where it happened! It looked ever so nice, neat curtains and all. Yet a man has been killed there – with a kitchen knife. An ordinary kitchen knife. Mesmerized by people swirling round her, she stared and stared and ceased to think…
She started when a voice spoke in her ear. Then turned her head in surprised recognition. Approximately two minutes later she was dead.
2. Anne Elliot, 19, falls in love with Frederick Wentworth, a young man with no connections and only himself to recommend him. Persuaded by her great friend to break off their engagement, Anne regrets her decision afterwards.
Some years later, her father Sir Walter Elliot finds himself financially embarrassed and is forced to let the family house. The new tenants are the relatives of Wentworth, who has prospered and now is a captain. Although he and Anne are thrown into each other’s company he still feels bitterness at her rejection. Once again it seems as though happiness is about to allude them…
(Pupils give their answers. See the Appendix.)
Teacher:There are, of course, a number other women writers to learn about. Things are changing now and since 1950s, the number of well- known women writers has increased. Women writers are now winning prizes for literature, they are given the highest awards, they are included in the Guinness Book of Records and are now among the most prolific writers and wealthy people in the world.
British people are very proud of them and honour them in different ways. I am sure that today you have learned a lot of new information and will have a clearer idea about these writers and their works.

1. Read the extract from the book «Ten little niggers» and translate.
In the corner of a first-class smoking carriage, Mr. Justice Wargrave, lately retired from the bench, puffed at a cigar and ran an interested eye through the political news in the Times.

He laid the paper down and glanced out of the window. They were running now through Somerset. He glanced at his watch - another two hours to go.

He went over in his mind all that had appeared in the papers about Indian Island. There had been its original purchase by an American millionaire who was crazy about yachting - and an account of the luxurious modern house he had built on this little island off the Devon coast. The unfortunate fact that the new third wife of the American millionaire was a bad sailor had led to the subsequent putting up of the house and island for sale. Various glowing advertisements of it had appeared in the papers. Then came the first bald statement that it had been bought - by a Mr. Owen. After that the rumours of the gossip writers had started. Indian Island had really been bought by Miss Gabrielle Turl, the Hollywood film star! She wanted to spend some months there free from all publicity! Busy Bee had hinted delicately that it was to be an abode for Royalty??! Mr. Merryweather had had it whispered to him that it had been bought for a honeymoon - Young Lord L... had surrendered to Cupid at last! Jones knew for a fact that it had been purchased by the Admiralty with a view to carrying out some very hush hush experiments!

Definitely, Indian Island was news!

From his pocket Mr. Justice Wargrave drew out a letter. The handwriting was practically illegible but words here and there stood out with unexpected clarity. Dearest Lawrence... such years since I heard anything of you... must come to Indian Island... the most enchanting place... so much to talk over... old days... communion with Nature... bask in sunshine... 12:40 from Paddington... meet you at Oakbridge... and his correspondent signed herself with a flourish his ever Constance Culmington.

Mr. Justice Wargrave cast back in his mind to remember when exactly he had last seen Lady Constance Culmington. It must be seven - no, eight years ago. She had then been going to Italy to bask in the sun and be at one with Nature and the contadini. Later, he had heard, she had proceeded to Syria where she proposed to bask in yet stronger sun and live at one with Nature and the bedouin.

Constance Culmington, he reflected to himself, was exactly the sort of woman who would buy an island and surround herself with mystery! Nodding his head in gentle approval of his logic, Mr. Justice Wargrave allowed his head to nod... He slept...

M.Shelley 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.b
Charlotte Brontё was one of six children. After the death of her mother and her two sisters Charlotte and the three remaining children were placed in the care of an aunt.
At the age of sixteen, Charlotte accepted the post of a governess for two separate families. She traveled to France to study music and further perfect her drawing skills. Secretly she was writing poems. Her sisters were also writing poetry and soon the three jointly published a book of their verses under the pen name Bell.
After this each sister began independent work on a novel. Emily’s book Wuthering Heights
and Anne’s bookAgness Grey were accepted for publication.
Charlotte’s first novel was not a success. Her next effort, an autobiography of an orphan girl, was immediately accepted by a publisher in 1846 and became a sensation among readers. This was her masterpiece Jane Eyre.
All in all Charlotte Brontё wrote four books.
In1854, the year after she completed her fourth and final novel, Charlotte got married. A yearlatershedied.
Blurbs: 1. The Clocks by A. Christie 2.Persuasionby J. Austen.

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Опубликовано: 3159 дней назад (16 мая 2016)
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Полина Евгеньевна Озорнова # 17 мая 2016 в 14:51 0
Алиса Евгеньевна! Спасибо за подробный план проведения урока на действительно увлекательную и развивающую кругозор тему! Очень интересно провести подобный урок на заключительных занятиях.
Полина Михайловна # 23 марта 2022 в 14:15 0
для старшеклассников очень даже неплохая информация.
Игорь Борисович # 23 марта 2022 в 14:16 0
возьму на заметку