Конспект урока по теме “Это большой мир! Начинаем путешествие сейчас!“ 9 класс (урок с применением ИКТ).
Учитель английского языка: Эльвира Зуфаровна Арасланова
Тема: Тravelling. It`s a big world! Start Travelling now!(Большой мир! Начинаем путешествовать сейчас!)
Цели: 1. Обобщение изученного материала по теме “Путешествие”
Задачи: 1. практические – обобщение пройденного материала по теме;
- развитие умений работать в команде;
- развитие навыков аудирования, чтения вслух;
-формирование навыков правильного реагирования в речевой
2. Воспитательные – воспитание взаимопомощи и сотрудничества во время работы в команде ;
-воспитание культурного общения;
- воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка;
- воспитание интереса к изучению языка
Тип урока – обобщающий; урок – игра
Формы - индивидуальная, групповая
Место урока – урок-закрепление пройденного материала;
-отработка полученных знаний;
Оборудование: раздаточный материал, плакат с планом урока, флаги стран, мультимедийная установка.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good morning boys and girls! How are you?
Today we`ll have an unusual lesson “ Let`s travel together!” We are together: 2 English groups from 9a and 9b today are at the English lesson. Let`s divide into 3 groups, because we have to travel around 3 countries: Russia, The UK, The USA. Now you have to choose 3 captains, one for each group.
Now look at the blackboard, you see the plan of our lesson.
We`ll have 7 rounds:
a. Warming –up
b. Captains
c. Quiz
d. Do you know that…
e. Sport-minute
f. 3 countries ( presentations)
g. My dream-travelling (presentation)
h. Who is the quickest?
2. The first round “Warming –up”
Teacher : Will you translate some words from English into Russian? ONE word for each team, please, in turn. For the correct answer the team will get a medal (жетон)
Arrival, airport, travelling, border, currency, customs, insurance, take off, prevent, register, collect, weigh, save, sink, essential, valuable.
3. The 2-nd round – “Captains”.
Teacher: Each captain should tell us some words about him(her)self and ask one question to the other team.
4. The 3-rd round - “Quiz”
Teacher :Captains, take a card with a question and the team should answer it right now. You will have 3 cards. Let`s start with the team… if the team can`t answer it ,the other team can do it and get a medal-(балл)
1. What is the capital of the USA?(New York, Washington)
2. What country is the largest in size? (the RF, Canada)
3. What country is the biggest in population?(the RF, the USA)
4. What is England`s floral symbol? (a red rose , a thistle)
5. What is the the floral symbol of Wales? (the daffodil, the shamrock)
6. What country has the highest mountain? (the USA, the RF)
7. How many countries are there on the territory of GB?( 3,4)
8. What is the population of the UK? (59 mln, 69mln)
9. What country has the longest river?(England, the USA)
I`ll say: “ How do you swim? “ and you should stand up and do some exercises and say:” Like this” (verbs: climb, run, dance, ride a bike, skip, jump, ski, skate, walk, write, draw etc…)
6. The 4th round “ Do you know that… “
Teacher :Complete my sentences in turn ,please . One sentence is for each team. Listen to me attentively.
Sentences :
1. The flag of the UK is called…(Union Jack)
2. The flag of the USA is called …(Stars and Stripes)
3. The Russian flag is sometimes called…(the Imperial flag)
4. The Union Jack is combination of…(the crosses of 3 patron saints)
5. The American flag consists of …(50 stars and 13 stripes)
6. The Russian flag consists of …( 3 equal stripes- white, blue, red)
7. The white stripe symbolizes…(frankness, generousity)
8. The blue stripe - (honesty, wisdom)
9. The red - (courage , love)
7. The 5th round 3 countries (presentations)
Teacher :Now we have 3 presentations about 3 countries : Russia, The USA, the UK. It was your hometask. One pupil from each team will show us the presentation and members of other teams should ask some questions. Let` begin.
8. The 6th round “My dream-travelling”( project-presentation)
Teacher :And at last we`ll listen to pupils who have prepared projects about their dreams. All of us can enjoy their presentations and ask questions to them.
9. The 7th round “Who is the quickest?”
Teacher :It`s a surprise for you . You`ll get some pieces of the postcards, you should read something what is written on them. Let`s see, who will be the quickest? Yes, you are right , it`s the New Year wish. Read it aloud for another team.
New Year wishes:
1-st team -We wish you smiles, much snow and sunlight!
2-nd team -Let bring Santa Claus and Snowmaiden many presents!
3-rd team -Have a good time during these winter holidays!
10. Подведение итогов.
Teacher : Thank you very much.( the teacher estimates the results of 3 teams and makes a conclusion). Our lesson is over. I believe you will remember many interesting facts about 3 countries. You have worked well, but the team … is the winner. See you on Friday.
Урок проводится в конце 2-ой четверти перед Новым годом и если остаётся время на уроке можно загадать загадки для каждой команды.
1. What man can`t live inside the house?( snowman)
2. What year lasts only 1 day? (New Year)
3. On what day of the year do the children talk least?(on the 22-nd of December)
Для капитанов можно дать задание «Who has the best memory?» (предлагается стихотворение на доске:
New Year`s day -a happy day
We are glad and very gay
We all dance and sing and say
Welcome, welcome New Year`s Day
( один раз стихотворение читается , а потом стирается по одной строчке. Первым говорит наизусть тот, кто быстрее выучил).
Урок окончен.
Презентация на тему: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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