Творческий конкурс для педагогов «Самая лучшая Зима»


Конкурс для педагогов «Лучший конспект урока (занятия)»


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Урок - прессконференция "Моя семья" в 5 классе

Урок-прессконференция для 5 класса на тему "My family"
Цель: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Моя семья».
1. Тренировать употребление в речи знакомых лексических единиц и грамматических структур притяжательных местоимений.
2. Воспитывать чувство любви и уважения к семье, к родителям.
3. Развивать навыки устной монологической речи.
4. Развивать навыки аудирования.
5. Прививать детям любовь к английскому языку и чувство толерантности

-пейджики с английскими именами
- конверт с заданиями
- листочки со словами, из которых надо составить предложения
-текст сказки “The hedgehogs family” для каждого ученика
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент:
- Hello! Good morning children! Are you feeling well today? –yes, thank you. And you? – fine, thanks! Glad to see you at the conference! Thanks for coming. We have got many problems to solve in here. The conference will be between the Englishmen and the Russians of different professions. Most of the Russians do not know English than1s why we need an interpreter to speak to each other. But where is our interpreter I wonder. She is being late… she was to arrive at 9 o`clock.
(Someone is knocking at the door. The interpreter is entering the room)
-Oh I am so sorry for being late! Ah these buses! They are so slow! Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Jill. I am from Great Britain. And I am an interpreter.
II. Pазвитие устной диалогической речи.
Let us get acquainted with each other.
My name is Ms Gulnara and I am the host of this conference. I would like you to answer a few questions.
Typical questions:
What is your name?
What is your surname?
Where are you from?
What do you do?
Do you like to play tennis? Computer games? Board games?
What sports games do you like to play?
Who is your favourite actor?
What is your favorite book?
(the Russians answer the questions and the interpreter translates questions and answers)
III. Активизация употребления лексики по теме.
There is an envelope with tasks for you. It was brought in the morning. Let us open it up and take a look at what there is in the envelope.
- What do you know about Great Britain?
- Can you tell us about yourself?
- Can you tell us about your friend?
- Do you know any English poems?
- Tell us about your favourite sports game.
- Can you tell us about your family?
(The students answer the questions. The interpreter translates their stories to the Russian guests in brief)
We are running, (бег на месте)
We are jumping, (прыгаем на месте)
Trying sky to get. (поднимаемся на носочки, руки вверх)
We are skipping, (перескакиваем с ноги на ногу на месте)
Trying sky to get. (поднимаемся на носочки, руки вверх)
We are flying like a real jet. (руки в стороны, показывая самолёт)
We are hopping, (прыгаем на месте на одной ноге потом на другой)
We are climbing (как удто карабкаемся вверх)
Like a funny cat. (рисуем в воздухе усы как у кота)
Mew. (садимся на место)

IV. Аудирование.
(Teacher) I got a letter from a girl called Mary. She is from England. Let us listen to her story. And then we will try to answer her questions.
Hello! My name is Mary. I am ten. I go to school. I am a good student and I like to go to school.
I have got a family. It is big and friendly. There are four members in my family. They are my mum, dad, brother and me.
My mom is a doctor. She likes to cook. My dad is a driver. He likes to play football. My brother is 3 years old and he doesn`t go to school. He likes to watch cartoons.
I love my family. I am happy!
1. How old is Mary?
2. Does she like to go to school?
3. How large is her family?
4. What is her Mom?
5. What is her Dad?
6. What does her mother like to do?
7. What does her father like to do?
V. Развитие навыков письма.
Составить из данных слов предложения.
1. Is, name , my, Ted
2. Likes, cat, sister, to play, her, with, my
3. Is, favourite, my, football, sport
4. To, like, school, to, I , go
VI. Чтение сказки. Работа с текстом
На столе тексты сказки перед учащимися.
The hedgehogs family
To play hide-and-seek –играть в прятки
Raspberry jam-малиновое варенье
This is the Hedgehogs family. There are four of them: mother, father brother and sister. They are happy together. Mother is a housewife. She likes to cook for her family. Father is a doctor. He likes to watch TV in the evenings. Brother is a student. He likes to go to school. He likes Geography at school. Sister doesn`t go to school. She likes to play hide-and-seek.
One day mother collects raspberries and makes jam. All the family helps her. The friends come to see them. They drink tea with raspberry jam and cakes. They are happy.
Задания к тексту. Прочитать текст внимательно и сказать правильно ли данное утверждение в соответствии с текстом или нет. Если правильно то ставим букву T (True), если неверное утверждение , то ставим букву F (False). Если предложение неверное, то исправляем его по тексту.
1. There are three hedgehogs in the family.
2. The Brother goes to school.
3. The Sister likes to cook.
4. The father is a teacher.
5. The family makes raspberry jam.
6. The friends like tea with jam and cakes.
VII. Итоги
VIII. Homework

Think of your own tale with animals.

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Участник №37 профессионального конкурса для педагогов «Коллекция педагогического мастерства и творчества» с 15 сентября по 15 декабря 2016 года
Опыт работы учителя английского языка. Смешанное обучение | Конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе: Спорт и хобби
Опубликовано: 2992 дня назад (13 октября 2016)
Просмотров: 1188
Голосов: 1

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