Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия квест по английскому языку для учащихся 4 классов
Квест для учащихся 4 классов "Все профессии важны, все науки нам нужны".
Автор: Кабанова Ольга Ивановна, учитель английского языка, МБОУ «Школа № 91 с углублённым изучением отдельный предметов», город Нижний Новгород.
Описание материала: Предлагаю вам образовательно-игровые приключения по английскому языку. Квест будет интересен и полезен как ученикам 4-5 классов, так и учителям по теме «Профессии». В ходе его проведения можно обобщить изученный материал, сообщить много нового. Кроме того у учащихся команды будет возможность сравнить языковые знания участников.
Возрастная категория учащихся: учащиеся 4 классов.
Место проведения: здание школы (5 кабинетов на разных этажах).
Форма проведения: учебно-познавательная игра. Квест – это поэтапная игра с выполнением заданий по предмету, выполняя которые, команды приближаются к финалу. Квест – это чередование заданий и меток (подсказок). Метка – это часть фразы If you believe it, you can achieve it.
Форма организации: групповая (подгруппа каждого 4 класса). Участники действуют в командах, в последовательности, установленной организаторами. Каждую команду сопровождает организатор.
Цели мероприятия:
Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции (речевой, языковой, социокультурной):
речевая компетенция – совершенствование коммуникативных умений в четырёх основных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме);
языковая компетенция – систематизация ранее изученного материала в соответствии с отобранной темой «Профессии» и сферами общения, знаний о языковых явлениях изучаемого языка, разных способах выражения мысли в родном и изучаемом языке;
социокультурная компетенция - обобщение лингвострановедческих знаний учащихся, полученных на уроках английского языка.
- активизация речевого взаимодействия;
- повышение интереса и мотивации к изучаемому языку;
- закрепление страноведческих знаний;
- развитие умения применять полученные знания;
- воспитание интереса к изучению предмета;
- воспитание уважения к культуре своей страны и стран изучаемого языка;
- воспитание на рубеже культур.
Предварительная подготовка:
- подбор материала;
- определение ведущих и организаторов из числа лучших учащихся старших классов;
- знакомство с заданиями, которые будут предложены участникам;
- распределение материала между учащимися;
- тренировка в беглом чтении, говорении и фонетически правильном произношении текста заданий;
- подбор игр;
- выбор творческой группы для подготовки оформления класса, оформление кабинета;
- беседа с учащимися о внешнем виде, дисциплине, активности;
- составление презентации.
Оформление класса: на магнитной доске прикреплены лучшие сочинения на тему «Профессии», вторая доска расчерчена для выполнения второго задания на правила словообразования существительных.
Оснащение мероприятия: компьютер и мультимедийный проектор, компьютерные игры “Way Ahead” CD-ROM Level 3 Macmillan, раздаточные материалы, таблица с критериями оценивания заданий, лучшие презентации и сочинения классов параллели по теме «Профессии».
Этапы мероприятия:
I. Ознакомительный этап: Организационный момент (вступительное слово учителя).
II. Основной этап:
1. Choose the professions of people who need the knowledge of English.
2. Match the profession and the description.
3. Divide all your jobs into 4 columns: -er (-or), -man, -ist and others.
4. Find the words and put the words in the alphabetical order.
5. The “Champion” game.
6. Games “Way Ahead” CD-ROM Level 3, Macmillan.
III. Заключительный этап. Рефлексия, подведение итогов.
Ход мероприятия
I этап – Ознакомительный
На экране проецируются лучшие презентации учащихся по теме «Профессии».
Hello, boys and girls! We are glad to see you. I’m English teacher and my name is… I want to introduce my six helpers and their names are … They are the pupils of the tenth form. Today we have an unusual lesson. You have to do different tasks and to answer the questions about the professions (occupations, jobs). The pupils of different classes will take part in our game. On the desk you see the numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) and your task is to choose any number, do the task or answer the question and get a point. Be attentive! I wish you good luck!
II этап – Основной
1. Choose the professions of people who need the knowledge of English. Listen to the girls and put plus after each profession:
1. A farmer
2. A doctor
3. A vet
4. A pilot
5. A fireman
6. A scientist
7. A teacher
8. A journalist
9. A pupil
10. A writer
11. A dressmaker
12. A politician
13. A sportsman
14. A businessman
15. A baker
16. A secretary
17. A builder
18. A butcher
19. A waiter
20. A student
21. A nurse
22. A librarian
23. A shop assistant
24. A greengrocer
25. A grocer
26. A typist
27. A driver
28. A businessman
29. A zookeeper
30. A painter
31. A writer
32. A poet
1 ведущий:
In today’s world English helps you communicate with other people. A lot of major changes have occurred in our life and people cannot imagine their life without English. It’s important to name some possible reasons for learning English. Very often even small children decide themselves what to choose: at school we choose between sports or languages, German or English.
2 ведущий:
They like the Internet and computers. We hope that everybody would see that most vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English. We can receive information in the world’s computers in English and use it. Most of the websites on the Internet are in English.
3 ведущий:
Firstly, English is the most popular language nowadays. People all over the world speak English. At present, the world’s mail is in English, the world’s telephone calls are made in English, some companies communicate with each other in English.
4 ведущий:
Secondly, English is the international language of doctors and scientists, pilots and ship’s captains, journalists and writers, diplomats and politicians, sportspeople and businesspeople, waiters and guides, pupils and students. Doctors go abroad and make operations. Scientists go to conferences and make presentations. Pilots fly to different countries. Top-class journalists and writers use English to communicate with each other. Diplomats travel to different countries and speak English. Politicians read international papers and make reports in English.
5 ведущий:
Almost all business and sport today is international. Sportspeople and businesspeople know English. Even secretaries have to write letters in English and speak English on phone. Waiters should speak English because they work with foreigners in cafes and restaurants. Guides speak English with foreign tourists on excursions. Librarians have books in different languages in the library. Pupils and students can go abroad on an exchange program.
6 ведущий:
Besides, English is the language of rock and pop music. Most of world known singers sing their songs in English. Finally, some people would like to understand modern singers and they like reading English and American literature and they enjoy watching British and American films with famous actors.
1 ведущий:
Some people go to other countries as tourists because they like to travel. Some pupils want to study abroad. However, they study English as a school subject and they think about a better job in the future connecting with English. All in all, people see the main reasons for learning English. People all over the world are ready to communicate and to help each other. Businesspeople can earn a lot of money using English.
2. Match the profession and the description.
2 ведущий: каждый участник получает задание под своим номером.
Task 1: Match the profession and the description:
1. A baker
2. A butcher
3. A shop assistant
4. A singer
5. A grocer
a. a person who works in a shop.
b. a person who bakes bread.
c. a person who sells meat.
d. a person who sells sugar, flour, salt.
e. a person who sings songs
Task 2: Match the profession and the description:
1. A nurse
2. A typist
3. A teacher
4. A doctor
5. A greengrocer
a. a person who works at school.
b. a person who works in a hospital.
c. a person who sells vegetables and fruit.
d. a person who helps a doctor.
e. a person who types letters and other papers.
Task 3: Match the profession and the description:
1. A secretary
2. A farmer
3. A veterinarian
4. A mechanic
5. A waiter
a. a person who works in cafes and restaurants.
b. a person who repairs cars.
c. a person who works in an office and answer phone calls.
d. a person who treats sick animals.
e. a person who works in the farm.
Task 4: Match the profession and the description:
1. A house wife a. a person who treats teeth.
2. A dentist b. a woman who is busy at home and she doesn’t work.
3. A librarian c. a person who flies on the plane.
4. A pilot d. a person who drives buses, cars.
5. A driver e. a person who works at the library.
Task 5: Match the profession and the description:
1. A musician a. a person who works in a big firm.
2. A dressmaker b. a person who builds houses.
3. A pupil c. a person who plays a musical instrument.
4. A businessman d. a person who sews dresses.
5. A builder e. a person who goes to school.
Task 6: Match the profession and the description:
1. A writer a. a person who works in a zoo.
2. A poet b. a person who sings songs.
3. A painter c. a person who writes books.
4. A zookeeper d. a person who draws pictures.
5. A singer e. a person who writes poems.
Task 7: Match the profession and the description:
1. An actor a. a person who swims on board a ship.
2. A worker b. a person who plays the guitar or the piano.
3. A sailor c. a person who dances in the theatre.
4. A musician d. a person who works in a factory.
5. A dancer e. a person who plays in films.
Task 8: Match the profession and the description:
1. A politician a. a person who goes in for sports.
2. A sportsman b. a person who tells tourists about sights on excursions.
3. A clown c. a person who writes music.
4. A guide d. a person who discusses politics.
5. A composer e. a person who works in the circus.
Task 9: Match the profession and the description:
1. A postman a. a person who works in the airport.
2. A photographer b. a person who works in a newspaper.
3. A reporter c. a person who brings newspapers and letters.
4. A customs officer d. a person who builds modern cottages.
5. An architect e. a person who takes pictures.
Task 10: Match the profession and the description:
1. A cosmonaut a. a person who makes discoveries.
2. A traveler b. a person who writes theories.
3. A discoverer c. a person who makes voyages.
4. A scientist d. a person who travels in space.
5. A seaman e. a person who likes to travel.
Task 11: Match the profession and the description:
1. An explorer a. a person who works in a café.
2. A cook b. a person who helps people.
3. A waiter c. a person who explores new lands.
4. A policeman d. a person who saves children from fire.
5. A fireman e. a person who prepares tasty food.
Task 12: Match the profession and the description:
1. A gardener a. a person who works in a shop.
2. A pilot b. a person who sells different things.
3. A ship’s captain c. a person who flies a plane.
4. A shop assistant d. a person who grows flowers and fruit tree.
5. A salesman e. a person who makes voyages.
Task 13: Match the profession and the description:
1. A postwoman a. a person who has got a great voice.
2. A taxi driver b. a person who repairs cars.
3. A mechanic c. a person who brings telegrams, letters.
4. An actress d. a person who swims every day.
5. A swimmer e. a person who drives a taxi.
Task 14: Match the profession and the description:
1. A florist a. a person who has many business trips.
2. A skier b. a person who sells medicine.
3. A chemist c. a person who has many concerts.
4. A businesswoman d. a person who has nice skis.
5. A pianist e. a person who has many flowers in the shop.
Task 15: Match the profession and the description:
1. A journalist a. a person who has a dangerous job.
2. A figure skater b. a person who makes program.
3. A computer operator c. a person who likes dancing.
4. A bodyguard d. a person who rules the country.
5. A president e. a person who works in magazine.
Task 16: Match the profession and the description:
1. A student a. a person who lives in weightlessness in space.
2. A spaceman b. a person who studies at institute.
3. A cowboy c. a person who makes boats from leather.
4. A shoemaker d. a person who can swim and fish.
5. A fisherman e. a person who rides horses and fights.
3. Group your professions. Divide all your jobs into 4 columns: 1. -er, -or 2. -man, 3. –ist, 4. other.
3 ведущий: каждый участник выполняет задание под своим номером.
Take your task and go to the blackboard. Write your number before the profession in the columns. Be attentive! I wish you good luck!
4. Find the words and put the words in the alphabetical order.
4 ведущий: каждый участник получает задание под своим номером.
Task 1: butchersingerbakergrocershopassistant
Task 2: greengrocertypistnursedoctorteacher
Task 3: veterinarianwaitermechanicfarmersecretary
Task 4: librarianhousewifepilotdriverdentist
Task 5: businessmandressmakerpupilbuildermusician
Task 6: zookeepersingerpoetpainterwriter
Task 7: musicianworkerdanceractorsailor
Task 8: sportsmanclownpoliticianguidecomposer
Task 9: customsofficerreporterpostmanphotographerarchitect
Task 10: cosmonautseamantravellerscientistdiscoverer
Task 11: policemancookexplorerwaiterfireman
Task 12: gardenerpilotship’scaptainshopassistantsalesman
Task 13: taxidriverswimmermechanicactresspostwoman
Task 14: businesswomanpianistskierfloristchemist
Task 15: computeroperatorbodyguardfigureskaterjournalistpresident
Task 16: fishermanstudentshoemakerspacemancowboy
5. Champion game.
5 ведущий: Let’s play the “Champion “game. Name all professions you remember. Who’s finished the first? He/she is the champion.
Example: Pupil1: A teacher
Pupil2: A …
6. Games “Way Ahead” CD-ROM Level 3, Macmillan.
6 ведущий: Welcome to Way Ahead Level 3:
1. Exercise 3b – professions.
Drag the words onto the correct pictures. На экран проецируется игра.
Well done!
2. Exercise 7a – crossword.
Where can you buy these things? Type in the gaps. На экран проецируется игра.
Well done!
III. Заключительный этап. Рефлексия, подведение итогов.
Объявляются результаты, называются победители, а лучшему ученику присваивается звание «Лучший знаток». (You can match many words about professions from your memory. The results are…)
По окончанию мероприятия после подведения итогов объявляются благодарности всем учащимся, которые помогали готовить мероприятие, которые были активны при проведении мероприятия и благодарности гостям за то, что они пришли.
1. Choose the professions of people who need the knowledge of English. Listen to the girls and put + after each profession. (16/32)
1.a doctor 2.a scientist 3.a pilot 4.a ship’s captain 5.a journalist 6.a writer 7.a diplomat 8.a politician 9.a sportsman 10.a businessman 11.a waiter 12.a guide 13. a pupil 14.a student 15.a librarian 16.a singer
2. Match the profession and the description:
Task 1: 1b 2c 3a 4e 5d
Task 2: 1d 2e 3a 4b 5c
Task 3: 1c 2e 3d 4b 5a
Task 4: 1b 2a 3e 4c 5d
Task 5: 1c 2d 3e 4a 5b
Task 6: 1c 2e 3d 4a 5b
Task 7: 1e 2d 3a 4b 5c
Task 8: 1d 2a 3e 4b 5c
Task 9: 1c 2e 3b 4a 5d
Task 10: 1d 2e 3a 4b 5c
Task 11: 1c 2e 3a 4b 5d
Task 12: 1d 2c 3e 4a 5b
Task 13: 1c 2e 3b 4a 5d
Task 14: 1e 2d 3b 4a 5c
Task 15: 1e 2c 3b 4a 5d
Task 16: 1b 2a 3e 4c 5d
3. Group your professions. Divide all your jobs into 4 columns: 1. -er, -or 2. –man 3. –ist 4. other
1. -er, -or /36 words/
1. A baker, a butcher, a singer, a grocer.
2. A teacher, a greengrocer, a doctor.
3. A farmer, a waiter.
4. A driver.
5. A dressmaker, a builder.
6. A writer, a painter, a zookeeper, a singer.
7. A worker, a dancer, an actor, a sailor.
8. A composer.
9. A photographer, a reporter, a customs officer.
10. A traveler, a discoverer.
11. An explorer, a waiter.
12. A gardener.
13. A taxi driver, a swimmer.
14. A skier.
15. A figure skater, computer operator.
16. A shoemaker.
2. -man /9 words/
5. A businessman.
8. A sportsman.
9. A postman.
10. A seaman.
11. A policeman, a fireman.
12. A salesman.
16. A spaceman, a fisherman.
3. –ist /7 words/
2. A typist.
4. A dentist.
10. A scientist.
14. A florist, chemist, pianist.
15. A journalist.
4. other /28 words/
1. A shop assistant.
2. A nurse.
3. A secretary, a veterinarian, a mechanic.
4. A house wife, a librarian, a pilot.
5. A house wife, a pupil.
6. A poet.
7. A musician.
8. A clown, a guide, a politician.
9. An architect.
10. A cosmonaut.
11. A cook.
12. A ship’s captain, a pilot, a shop assistant.
13. A postwoman, a mechanic, an actress.
14. A businesswoman.
15. A bodyguard, a president.
16. A student, a cowboy.
4. Find the words and put the words in the alphabetical order.
Task 1: baker, butcher, grocer, singer, shop assistant,
Task 2: doctor, greengrocer, nurse, teacher, typist,
Task 3: farmer, mechanic, secretary, veterinarian, waiter,
Task 4: dentist, driver, housewife, librarian, pilot,
Task 5: builder, businessman, dressmaker, musician, pupil,
Task 6: painter, poet, singer, writer, zookeeper,
Task 7: actor, dancer, musician, sailor, worker,
Task 8: clown, composer, guide, politician, sportsman,
Task 9: architect, customs officer, photographer, postman, reporter,
Task 10: cosmonaut, discoverer, scientist, seaman, traveler,
Task 11: cook, explorer, fireman, policeman, waiter,
Task 12: gardener, pilot, salesman, ship’s captain, shop assistant,
Task 13: actress, mechanic, postwoman, swimmer, taxi driver,
Task 14: businesswoman, pianist, skier, florist, chemist,
Task 15: bodyguard, computer operator, figure skater, journalist, president,
Task 16: cowboy, fisherman, shoemaker, spaceman, student,
6. Games “Way Ahead” CD-ROM Level 3, Macmillan.
Welcome to Way Ahead Level 3:
1. Exercise 3b – professions. Drag the words onto the correct pictures.
Fireman, artist, housewife, dentist, waiter, shopkeeper, reporter, carpenter, policeman, bus driver
2. Exercise 7a – crossword.
Where can you buy these things?
1. shoeshop
2. bookshop
3. toyshop
4. sportsshop
5. florist
6. bikeshop
Заключение: Предлагаю вам определить актуальность и целесообразность использования сценария внеклассного мероприятия квест «Все профессии важны, все науки нам нужны» для учащихся 4-5 классов по английскому языку.
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