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Викторина по английскому языку для 5 класса

План-конспект викторины по английскому языку в 5-х классах "Do you know English well?"
Автор: Смирнова Ольга Валентиновна, учитель английского языка КГУ "Гимназия № 4" город Актау, Республика Казахстан
План-конспект викторины
Образовательные цели:
- повторить лексику о животных, еде, цвете;
- практиковать в использовании известной (пройденной) лексики и работать с ней;
- тренировать в различных письменных заданиях, связанных с изученным ранее лексическим и грамматическим материалом;
- практиковать в устной речи по темам "Животные", "Числительные", "Фрукты", "Цвет", "Части тела", "Школа" (уметь спрашивать и отвечать на вопросы);
- обобщить знания учащихся 5-х классов по грамматическим темам "Настоящее Простое время", "Прошедшее Простое время", оборот "Собираться что-то делать"
Развивающие цели: развивать память, внимание, устную и письменную речь учащихся; языковую догадку и грамматические умения учеников
Воспитательные цели: воспитывать интерес и уважение к английскому языку, культуре англоязычных стран; воспитывать общительность (коммуникабельность); умение работать в группе; умение анализировать свою работу и работу своих одноклассников
Оборудование: видео-песни, карточки с различными заданиями, стикеры, маркеры.
The educational aims : - To repeat words about animals, food, colours
- To practice in the using of known lexicon and work with it,
- to train in different writing tasks
To train in oral speech оn the themes “Animals”, “Numbers”, “Fruit”, “Food”, Colours”, ‘Parts of the body”, “School” (ask and answer the questions)
To consolidate the knowledge of pupils of the Present Simple tense, the Past Simple tense, to be going to

The developing aims : to develop a memory, an attention, a speech; pupils’ language and grammar skills
The bringing- up aims: to educate a respect to English and the cultures of English-speaking countries, communication; to learn working in groups; to train in introspection.

Equipment: the video songs in English; cards for different tasks, stickers, markers, papers of different sizes , grammar task, stickers with words for game.

I. Good morning, boys and girls, our dear guests and teachers.
We are glad to see you here. Today we are going to have a competition.
II. At first teams should introduce themselves.
III. Your first task is to make up words from letters. (Names of animals)
IV. Then you have to write down words from the long word “PERFORMANCE”
V. Task 3- Write down here words of 3 categories “Fruit”, Food” and Colours”
VI. And now you will guess the riddles.
5A 1) Not a bird, not a butterfly, I can fly high in the sky ( a plane)
2) I have a bushy tail, sometimes I am grey, sometimes I am red. I like nuts. What am I? (a squirrel)
3) These two brothers live not so far apart. One of the left, one of the right. But they never see each other. (eyes)
1) My friend is a man, my wife is a hen, my child is a chick. Who am I say quick. ( a cock)
2) I have cities without houses, forests without trees, rivers and seas without water. ( a map)
3) I live in the river but I am not a fish. I jump in the field but I am not a rabbit. I have a green coat but I am not a bird. I sleep in the daytime but I am not an owl. I come out of egg but I am not a chick. What am I? ( a frog)
5 V
1) It is white and cold and sweet, all the children like it (an ice-cream)
2) What dog does not have a tail? ( a hot dog)
3) It is a pretty yellow house. There is no door. There is no roof. There is no floor. But there is a pretty yellow ball inside. ( an egg)
VII. And the next task is about numerals. Put letters which are missing.
1)T . elve 2) f .ve h . n . re . 3)T. i . te . n 4)s . x . h . u . an . 5)Ei . . ty-fo . r
6) s . vente . n 7)Fo . t . 8)t . o mi .l . on 9)F . fty-nin . 10)T. en . y
VIII. Match the parts of proverbs.
1) A friend in need good news
2) East or West with one stone
3) Better late learn
4) First think that ends well
5) Two heads than never
6) To kill two birds That speak
7) All well Home is best
8) Live and Is a friend indeed
9) No news is are better that one

IX. Correct mistakes.
1) He live in Oxford.
2) They has a good car.
3) Did you got at 6.30?
4) The giraffe is the taller animal in the world.
5) Where will she going?
6)This exercise is difficulter than that one.

X. Captains now it is your turn. We are going to listen your stories about seasons.
XI. While our judges are counting points, let’s play with audience.
XII. OK? Are you going to hear the results?
The third place is …, the second place is… ,the third place is…
XIII. Reflexion.
Now please, your opinion
I like this competition because…
I do not like it … because…
Приложение 1
10) KUDC
11) GRFO
Приложение 2
Приложение 3
Приложение 4
5 A
1) Not a bird, not a butterfly, I can fly high in the sky ( a plane)
2) I have a bushy tail, sometimes I am grey, sometimes I am red. I like nuts. What am I? (a squirrel)
3) These two brothers live not so far apart. One of the left, one of the right. But they never see each other. (eyes)
1) My friend is a man, my wife is a hen, my child is a chick. Who am I say quick. ( a cock)
2) I have cities without houses, forests without trees, rivers and seas without water. ( a map)
3) I live in the river but I am not a fish. I jump in the field but I am not a rabbit. I have a green coat but I am not a bird. I sleep in the daytime but I am not an owl. I come out of egg but I am not a chick. What am I? ( a frog)

5 V
1) It is white and cold and sweet, all the children like it (an ice-cream)
2) What dog does not have a tail? ( a hot dog)
3) It is a pretty yellow house. There is no door. There is no roof. There is no floor. But there is a pretty yellow ball inside. ( an egg)

Приложение 5
1)T . elve
2) f .ve h . n . re .
3)T. i . te . n
4)s . x . h . u . an .
5)Ei . . ty-fo . r
6) s . vente . n
7)Fo . t . 8)t . o mi .l . on
9)F . fty-nin . 10)T. en . y
Приложение 6
1) A friend in need
2) East or West
3) Better late
4) First think
5) Two heads
6) To kill two birds
7) All well
8) Live and
9) No news is

is a friend indeed
home is best
than never
than speak
are better than one
with one stone
that ends well
good news
Приложение 7
1)He live in Oxford.
2)They has a good car.
3)Did you got at 6.30?
4)This exercise is difficulter than that one.
5)The giraffe is the taller animal in the world.
6)Where will she going?
Скачать Викторина "Do you know English well?"

Рекомендуем посмотреть:

КВН, 2 класс. Пожарная безопасность Математический КВН, 5 класс. Сценарий КВН по английскому языку в 5 классе Викторина с презентацией для 3 класса по английскому языку. Мир животных

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