Творческий конкурс для педагогов «Самая лучшая Зима»


Конкурс для педагогов «Лучший конспект урока (занятия)»


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Конспект урока английского языка, 6 класс. Великобритания

Урок на тему "Великобритания" для 6 класса
Автор: Озорнова Полина Евгеньевна, учитель английского языка
Место работы: МАОУ СОШ №128, г. Челябинск

Для урока понадобятся:
- Распечатки стихотворения или его проекция на экране
- Распечатки текста о Великобритании с картинками слов, которые пропущенны
- Карта Лондона (для игры)
- Карта Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии (для игры)
- Карточки с правилами игры для обеих команд
- Красные и синие звёздочки из бумаги (для деления на команды)
- Градусники для отметки температуры (настроения)в конце урока

На уроке отрабатываются все основные виды речевой деятельности: аудирование, говорение, чтение письмо. Каждое задание направлено на отработку одного из перечисленных видов речевой деятельности. Постоянная смена видов деятельности, разнообразие заданий помогают поддержать энергичный темп урока, а игра не даст ребятам заскучать и повысит мотивацию к получению новых знаний, разовьет творческий потенциал.
Ход урока:
1. Hello children! I’m very glad to see you. Let’s start our lesson with warming up. We’ll listen to a short poem . You have got texts on your desks. At first listen and then read.
So many countries all over the world,
So many people life tales told!
Different cities, languages, poems,
Amazing traditions, legends, stories.
We travel East, we travel West
To know so much is best,
If South is warm, North is cold,
We start our trip and off we go!
Read together
Maybe someone wants to read this poem (read the poem, ask questions, translate)

2. Please look at the screen, what is it? How do you think, what we are going to speak about?
Yes, that’s right! We are going to speak about Great Britain.
3. Please take cards with text. There are some missing words in the text. Fill in the gaps.
Pictures can help you.
Let’s check. Who can read the first word? …

Read the text and fill in the gaps. Pictures below can help you.

The United Kingdom consists of four countries: 1) __________, Wales, Scotland and 2) __________. The capital of this parts are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It’s too long, isn’t it? So usually people called it The 3) ___________. Great Britain is half size of France or Spain, but the 4) _____________ language is the first language of international communication in the world. What are the first words you remember of when thinking about Great Britain? People usually say some popular words: the Royal family, a foggy island, old castles, 5) _________ and tea. Some people picture Big Ben, 6) ____________ or Buckingham Palace.

4. Please read the whole text. Translate this text.
5. Now we are going to play. Let’s make two groups. Please come to me and take the star. If you have the red star, please sit here and if you have blue star please sit here (make two groups).
In both teams there are residents and a tourist (the cards with names you can see on your desks. The residents should give some advises to a tourist and help to make a map. The first team, you have cards with names of see sights and pictures of them. Please choose three of them which are located in London. Please glue them on the map.
The second team, you have cards with names of cities and pictures of them. Please choose three of them which are located in London, Cardiff, Edinburgh or Belfast . Please glue them on the map.

Cards for groups
Group 1
1. You are a tourist. You want to see some interesting places in London. Ask residents to help you to make a route.
2. Say, which sight you would like to visit the most.
I would like to visit … because …..
For example:
I would like to visit London Eye because it is one of the biggest wheels in the world

Group 1
1. You are a resident of London. Help to tourist to make the route (find 3 names and pictures of sights which are situated in London). Ты местный житель. Помоги туристу составить маршрут интересных достопримечательностей в Лондоне (найди среди названий 3, которые находятся в Лондоне, наклей их на карту)
2. Advise the most interesting place. После того, как маршрут составлен, посоветуй туристу самое интересное место
I think you should visit … because …
For example:
I think you should visit Tower Bridge because it is the most interesting building

Group 2
1. You are a tourist. You want to visit some beautiful cities in the UK. Ask residents to help you to make a route.
2. Say, which city you would like to visit the most.
I would like to visit … because …..
For example:
I would like to visit London because it is one of the biggest cities in the world

Group 2
1.You are a resident of the UK. Help to tourist to make the route (find 3 names and pictures of cities which are situated in the UK) Ты местный житель. Помоги туристу составить маршрут по самым красивым городам Британии (найди среди названий 3, которые находятся в Британии, наклей их на карту)
2.Advise the most beautiful. Посоветуй туристу самый красивый, на твой взгляд, город
- I think you should visit … because …
For example:
I think you should visit Tower Bridge because it is the most interesting building

Come to the blackboard and show us which see sights/ cities you’ve chosen.
Then say, which see sight or city you would like to visit.
I would like to visit … because …

6. So, today we ….
Let’s measure our mood. You have got thermometers on your desks. Please mark the temperature.
0 C – I don’t understand everything, exercises were hard for me
15 C - I have answered, but I can work better
25 C - I’ve worked very well, everything was interesting and easy for me
35 C – the lesson was hard but very interesting for me

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Опубликовано: 3153 дня назад (23 мая 2016)
Просмотров: 3608
Рубрика: Без рубрики
Голосов: 0

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