Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Олимпийские Игры", 7 класс. Конспект

Конспект открытого урока в 7 «а» классе по английскому языку. Тема: «Олимпийские игры»
Тип урока: Комбинированный урок
Цель урока: способствовать формированию коммуникативной компетенции на основе изученного лексического и грамматического материала по теме «Олимпийские игры.Спорт».
Задачи урока:
1. Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.
2. Отработка навыков чтения.
3. Развитие навыков аудирования.
4. Развитие навыков извлечения специфической информации по заданной теме.
1. Совершенствование умения учащихся анализировать и обобщать знания.
2. Развитие языковой памяти, логического мышления, самоконтроля.
1. Развитие умения работать в парах.
2. Формирование навыков общения, навыков интеллектуального труда, развитие навыков языковой компетентности.
3. Привитие учащимся норм здорового образа жизни, любви к спорту.
Оборудование и наглядность:
1. Использование ИКТ (мультимедийное оборудование) для презентации урока.
2. CD- диск к учебнику Английский язык. VII класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений и шк. с углубленным изучением англ. яз./ Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. М: Просвещение, 2010
3. Дополнительные задания и материалы.
Прогнозируемый результат:
В ходе урока обучающиеся тренируются в употреблении лексических выражений по теме «Олимпийские Игры». Обучающиеся смотрят видеоматериал и извлекают запрашиваемую информацию по теме. Обучающиеся развивают монологическую и диалогическую речь по данной теме. Обучающиеся активизируют знание грамматического правила.
Методы обучения: объяснительно-иллюстративный, частично – поисковый, репродуктивный
1. Английский язык. VII класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / Биболетова М.З.,Трубанева И.В. М: Просвещение, 2015
2. видеозапись
3. компьютерная презентация - сопровождение урока
4. рабочие карты
Форма работы: индивидуальная, парная, фронтальная
Этапы урока:
1.Организационный момент (3 мин).
2.Актуализация знаний(5 мин)
3.Практическая работа. (3 мин)
4. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. (4 мин)
5. Динамическая пауза (2 мин)
6. Развитие навыков аудирования. (10 мин)
7.Мини-проекты учащихся(4 мин)
8.Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия (2 мин)
9. Клип «Лучшие мгновения Олимпиад в Сочи и Пхенчхане»(3 мин)
10. Дополнительные задания(5 мин)

1. Организационный момент (3 минуты)
(Звучит гимн Российской Федерации)(1 мин)
Teacher: -We have just listened the hymn of Russian Federation. I think all of you know it. So, tell me please, when and where can we listen to our hymn?
Teacher:-You are absolutely right! We can listen the hymn of Russian Federation at the competitions when we win the first place.
Teacher:-What competitions are the most important in the life of any athlete? Of course it is OLYMPIC GAMES. And today we are going to talk about the event of planetary scale. This event is held every four year and it`s name is OLYMPIC GAMES. People all over the world take part in these competitions and also each of you can take part in the Olympics.
Teacher:-What is the aim of our lesson? (The main aim is to speak more about kinds of sports and the Olympic games)
Teacher:-All of you have a Working card on the desk. You should work in it during our lesson. And also you can see gold, silver and bronze medals. You will get it for the correct answer. Gold medal for the full and absolutely right answer. Silver medal – for the full but not absolutely right answer. Bronze medal-for the short answer.
2. Актуализация знаний (3 мин)
Teacher: - At the beginning of our lesson I want you to answer some questions: 1. Do you go in for sport ?
2. What kind of sport do you like ?
3. What summer sports do you know?
4. What winter sports do you know ? 5. What famous Russian and foreign athletes do you know? 9.What traditional Russian games do you know? 10.What sports and games are the most popular in Russia?
3. Практическая работа. (3 мин)
Teacher: -Now, we'll train the words on sports. Look at the board and divide these sports and games into Winter and Summer Olympic Games. I give you 2 minutes. Then we’ll check the task. Write down them.
Winter Olympic sports are: figure skating, ice hockey, skiing, Speed skating, Snowboarding, Bobsleigh, Curling, short-track, ski jumping, skeleton, nordic combined ,luge, cross-country skiing biathlon alpine skiing

Summer Olympic sports and games are :Boxing, basketball, cycling, rowing, football, volleyball, gymnastics, swimming, handball ,Tennis, Sailing, Golf ,Wrestling
4. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.(4 мин)
Teacher: - O’k, the next task is to answer the questions of English students from Oxford University. Now we have the TV – bridge.(учащимся предлагается ответить на вопросы об истории олимпийских игр, заданные по телемосту студентами из Оксфорда.)
Вопросы студентов:
-Where did the Olympic Games begin? (The Olympic Games began in 776 BC.)
- How often did the Games take place in ancient times? (In ancient times the Games took place every forth year.)
- How often are they held now?( Now the Games take place every forth year too.)
- Did the original Olympic Games consist only of sports competitions? ( No, the original Olympic Games consisted not only of sports competitions, but the competition in music, oratory and theatre performance)
- Could women take part in the ancient Olympics? ( No, women could not take part in the ancient Olympics)
- Whose idea was it to bring the Olympic Games back to life?( Pierre de Coubertin)
- In what city were the first modern Olympic Games held?( The first modern Olympic Games were held in Greece)
-Where were the latest winter Olympic Games held? (the latest Winter Olympic Games were held in Pyeong chang in this year)
- What committee organizes the Olympic Games? (International Olympic Committee)
- Have you ever been at the Olympic Games?
-Do you dream to visit the Olympic Games?
5. Динамическая пауза. (2 мин)
Teacher:- We are tired so let’s have a healthy break. Alex, go to the board, you will help us with the music. I will show you some pictures and you will show the movements of this kind of sport.
6. Развитие навыков аудирования. (10 мин)
Teacher:- What kinds of sport as you think are usual? And what are unusual?(Curling, freestyle, snowboarding)
Teacherlaugho you know such kinds of sport as tug-of-war or throwing the caber? These kinds of sport are popular in Scotland, a birthplace of Scottish Olympic Games. These games are called Highland Games. Let`s watch the video about it. You can read the text during watching. You should be very attentive.(просмотр видео о Горских играх в Шотландии-2 мин)
Teacher:- Which sentences below are true (T) and which are false (F)?
1. The Highland Games are only sporting competitions(F).
2. The Highland Games are held in winter(F)
3. The most popular Scottish dances are Highland fling and sward dance(T).
4. A caber weighs about ninety kilos(F).
5. The Queen visits the festival every year(T)
6. Only the competitors wear a kilt(F).
7. The tug-of-war is the traditional Scottish sports. (T).
8. Tossing the caber is a sport for the strongest athletes. (T).

Teacher: -Look at the pictures and phrases below. Which phrase goes with which picture?

A. throwing the hummer
B. the bagpipes
C. tossing the caber
D. the Highland fling
E. a tug-of- war
F. a race
1. 2. 3.
4 5. 6.
(ответы- А5,В6,С4,D3,E1,F2)

Teacher: -What new kinds of sport have you known from this film?
7. Мини-проекты. (3 мин)
Teacher:- You prepared monologues about your favourite sportsmen. You can tell about them just now. First we will listen about Olympic champions in Sochi.(монологи об олимпийских чемпионах Сочи и Пхенчхана- Виктор Ан, Аделина Сотникова, Антон Шипулин, Алина Загитова, Илья Ковальчук, Александр Большунов )
Teacher:- Athletes are the main heroes of the Olympics. But there are also people who are invisible, but their work is invaluable. These people help others. What are they?
Teacher:- -You know that every year has its own topic. Do you know what is the topic of this 2018 year?( This 2018 year is the year of volunteer, sport and health). And now we will listen the report about the volunteers (доклад про волонтеров)

Volunteer is a French word. The voluntary movement appeared in 1920. The young people from Germany and France began to restore farms, which were destroyed during the First World War.
The idea spread all over the planet. The history of volunteer’s movement in Russia is existed for many years.
I have read the book “Timur and his team” by Arcady Gaidar. The main hero of the book with his friends made simple things and they learned to be sensitive and attentive.
Volunteers are an important part of all Olympic games. Olympic Games would be impossible without activists of volunteer’s movement,
The volunteer must be diligent, kind, polite, reliable and work with enthusiasm.
I and a lot of my friends would like to be volunteers.
9.Клип «Лучшие мгновения Олимпиад в Сочи и Пхенчхане»
Teacher:-And now I want you to be fans. Let`s remember the best moments of the Olympic games in Sochi and Pheonch Hang. I want to present you the flag of Russian Federation. So if you want to visit any competitions such as the World Football Championship or the next Olympic Games, you will have this flag as a symbol of Russia.

8. Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия (2 мин)
Teacher:- What was the aim of our lesson? (to speak more about kinds of sports and the Olympic games)
Teacher:- Have we achieved our aim?( Yes, we have achieved our aim)
Teacher:- Have you had any difficulties during the lesson?( We haven't any difficulties. Everything was clear.)
Рабочая карта
Alexandr Legkov
Alina Zagitova
Anton Shipulin
llya Kovalchuk
7.Match the sports and the descriptions.
Curling, Snowboarding, Biathlon, Figure skating, Ice-Hockey
1.It is a sport in which players slide stones on the ice towards a target to the centre of the ring. There are two teams, each of four players; take turns sliding heavy, polished stones. A game may consist of ten or eight ends.
2. It is a kind of sports in which two teams play against each other by trying to beat puck into the opponent's goal using a stick. It’s a very interesting game.
3. It is a winter kind of sport. Sportsmen ski and shoot. It is a very popular sport. There are many kinds of this sport. Sportsmen must be strong and have good eyesight
4.It is a sport and activity in which may take part one or two sportsmen. They dance on the ice. The four Olympic disciplines are men's singles, ladies' singles, pair skating, and ice dancing.
8.Lets sing the song together. «We are the Champions»
We are the champions - my friend
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are the champions of the world

1.Look at the screen. Answer the questions of English students from Oxford University.
2. Divide these sports and games into Winter(1) and Summer(2) Olympic Games. Write the number 1 or 2 above the word.
Boxing, Tennis, Basketball, Snowboarding,Cycling, Figure skating, Rowing, Football, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Swimming, Handball , Sailing, Golf ,Wrestling, Ice hockey, Skiing, Speed skating, Bobsleigh, Curling, Short-track, Ski jumping, Skeleton, Nordic combined ,Luge, cross-country skiing, biathlon ,alpine skiing.
3. Look at the screen. Translate the words.
The Olympic anthem-
The Olympic mascot-
The Olympic flame-
The Olympic flag-
The Olympic motto-
The Olympic creed-
4. Look at the screen. Choose the right answer.
5. Watch the video about Highlands and read the text.

Announcer: Today we have the finest of our athletes, dancers and pipers, with competitors coming from all over the world, including…
Some people call this the Scottish Olympics. The real name is the Highland Games. These games are not only sporting competitions: here music is as important as sport-the music of the pipes and drums and traditional Scottish sports like the tug-of-war. The most famous of these summer games is the one at Braemar, watched by the royal family. But nearly a hundred smaller games are held between May and September all over Scotland.
While athletes throw the hummer at one end of the arena, you can watch a dancing competition at the other end. The most popular Scottish dances are the Highland fling and the sword dance. Of course the dancers, pipers, athletes, in fact nearly all the competitors at a Highland games wear a kilt. So also do the judges, and the soldiers in the military pipe bands.
This is a caber. Tossing the caber is a sport for the strongest athletes. Each caber weighs about sixty kilos and is six metres long. The caber must not fall back towards the athlete; It must fall forwards-Yes! Like that! Will it go?...Yes! Well done!
a).Which sentences below are true (T) and which are false (F)?
1. The Highland Games are only sporting competitions(F).
2. The Highland Games are held in winter(F)
3. The most popular Scottish dances are Highland fling and sward dance(T).
4. A caber weighs about ninety kilos(F).
5. The Queen visits the festival every year(T)
6. Only the competitors wear a kilt(F).
7. The tug-of-war is the traditional Scottish sports. (T).
8. Tossing the caber is a sport for the strongest athletes. (T).
b).Look at the pictures and phrases below. Which phrase goes with which picture?
A. throwing the hummer
B. the bagpipes
C. tossing the caber
D. the Highland fling
E. a tug-of- war
F. a race
1. 2. 3.
4 5. 6.

6.Listen to the monologues about Olympic champions and fill in the table.( fugure skating, skiing, short track, biathlon, ice-hockey, figure skating)
The name .... Kind of sports .... Type of medal
Victor An
Adelina Sotnikova
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Опубликовано: 2170 дней назад (14 апреля 2019)
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Гузалия Арасланова # 4 июля 2019 в 20:36 0
Здравствуйте! Очень полезный материал! Спасибо вам! Успехов!