Сказки на английском языке для детей 9-12 лет

Сборник английских сказок для детей «Underwater Fairy Tales»
предназначен для детей 9-12 лет, родителей и педагогов
Методическая разработка руководителя кружка Костенко Натальи Игоревны Муниципального учреждения дополнительного образования «Городской дворец детского и юношеского творчества им. В.Г.Джарты города Макеевки», ДНР.
Цель: приобщать обучающихся к иноязычной речи.
Образовательные: расширять словарный запас; учить принимать и передавать информацию на английском языке; формировать коммуникативную компетенцию; совершенствовать навыки чтения, готовить к дальнейшему самостоятельному изучению языка.
Развивающие: развивать гибкость артикуляционного аппарата, языковую догадку, умение работать с текстом, логично излагать мысли; способствовать улучшению долговременной памяти, внимания, воображения.
Воспитательные: прививать эстетический и художественный вкус; воспитывать дисциплинированность в работе, общечеловеческие моральные ценности, культуру общения, принятую в современном цивилизованном обществе.
Дорогие друзья! Меня зовут Наталья Игоревна. Я руководитель кружка «Английский шаг за шагом». Эти сказки я написала по просьбе детей, которые увлекаются домашним чтением и в дорогу или на прогулку берут с собой английские книжки. Давайте вместе создавать этот сборник! Читайте, пишите, думайте, рисуйте и фантазируйте!
1.Oscar the Octopus
2.Tessa the Turtle
3.Charlie the Crab
4.Freda the Fish
Oscar the Octopus
Oscar the Octopus is very busy. He lives in the castle and has a lot of work to do. In the morning he counts his feelers. His servants help him to put on clothes and cook breakfast. Oscar likes to eat sea staff, seaweed biscuits and drinks seawater.
After breakfast he cleans his teeth with one of his feelers. At the same time the Octopus sweeps the floor, turns on the radio, cooks dinner, feeds the fish, makes his bed, paints a picture, and writes an e-mail. He can do many things at ones. You see, how Oscar is busy.
Ответь на вопросы.
1.Where does Oscar the Octopus live?
2.What does he do in the morning?
3.What is his favourite food?
4.Is Oscar the Octopus busy?
5.What things can he do at the same time?
Выбери лишнее слово
1.TV-set, radio, book, computer
2.Write, play, read, work
3.Feelers, hands, legs, ears
4.Run, jump, play, clean
5.Fish, bear, octopus, tortoise
Octopus ocular optics.
Octopus ocular optics.
Octopus ocular optics.
Octopus ocular optics.
Нарисуй дом осьминога Оскара.
Tessa the Turtle
Tessa the Turtle is very absent-minded. She always loses her things. One day she lost her key.
She was looking for it under the stones.She was looking for it in the seaweed.
Tessa was looking for it in the sand. She also was looking for it in the reef.
Poor Turtle couldn’t get into her house. You know that all the turtles live in the shells, but Tessa has one more house in the sea.
Tessa the Turtle visited her friend Oscar the Octopus. They had dinner together. They had seaweed salad. Suddenly Tessa saw her key in the can with forks . She lost it at Oscar’s house when she was at his birthday party. Now Tessa is happy. She invited all her friends to the house.
Ответь на вопросы.
1.Who was Tessa?
2.Was Tessa curious?
3.What did she lose?
4.Where was she looking for her thing?
5.Who’s her friend?
6.Where did she find her thing?
7.Was Tessa happy or sad?
Выбери лишнее слово.
1)Turtle, crab, hippo, octopus
2)House, castle, apartment, key
3)Dinner, salad, lunch, breakfast
4)Sea, sand, ocean, river
5)Shells, spoons, knives, forks
She sells seashells
On the seashore.
The shells that she sells
Are seashore shells.
I’m sure.
Нарисуй дом черепахи.
Charlie the Crab
Charlie the crab is a businessman. He has a confectioner’s called “Sweet Life”. His bakers cook different candies, biscuits, cakes, pies, rolls and buns.
Charlie likes his job. He eats tasty things every day. In the morning he drinks hot coffee with a toast. Then he drives to the confectioner’s and works at his office. He also has a banana cake for lunch.
After work he goes to the confectionary university and teaches students how to cook biscuits, cakes, pies, candies, rolls and buns. Then he comes back home, eats apple pie and drinks hot tea. After that he writes stories and fairy tales about candies, biscuits, cakes, pies, rolls and buns. Then he watches cartoons about “Sweet Life”. At ten o’clock he goes to bed.
Ответь на вопросы.
1.Who’s Charlie?
2.What do the bakers cook in the confectioner’s?
3.What does Charlie the Crab eat in the morning?
4.What does he eat at his office?
5.Where does Charlie go after work?
6.What does the Crab do at home?
7.What time does he go to bed?
Напиши о своих любимых сладостях.
Freda the Fish
Freda the Fish is very active. She lives in the sea with her large family. She likes spring and summer. She swims all the time. Freda is very fast. She always wins all the competitions.
Freda is also friendly. Her friends are turtles, seahorses, crabs and fish.
Today Freda doesn’t swim. She’s very sleepy and sad. Her friends are sad because Freda is ill. They give her pills. Now she is better. She jumps and swims again.
Ответь на вопросы.
1.Who’s Freda?
2.What are her favourite seasons?
3.Is she slow?
4.What are Freda’s friends?
5.Why are her friends sad?
6.Is Freda better now?
Выбери лишнее слово.
1)Fish, seahorse, insect, starfish
2)Swim, jump, run, read
3)Happy, sad, good, fine
4)Summer, snow, winter, spring
5)Fast, slow, active, friendly
Sleepy Freda seeks size six sleepers to fit her feet.
Нарисуй семью рыбки.
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